Mag'har Orc vs Regular Orc

Hmm I don’t know about that. For one thing, he had that orc sickness as a child that made him weak in his younger years. Then when he accepted his duel with Carine, he would have lost to an old man if Magatha didn’t interfere.

Unless you’re talking about old god corrupted Garrosh? Then yeah, sure, he was super strong.

Anyways, you might be right and me wrong so where did you read that?

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Yes, they are equal. Equally inferior to the elves.

All hail the Sin’dorei !


well yeah he would of lost to Carine, he was crazy strong for being a tauren. Tauren are already stronger than orcs as it is.

back on topic though I do think Green orcs are prob stronger than mag orcs due to the blood and them giving into the blood rage that orcs got goin for them. pretty sure mag orcs dont utilize that part of them often

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The lore for WoW races and how they’re portrayed in-game are just stupidly different

Trolls are inhumanly durable, 7 feet tall, and that’s if they’re not the roided out berserkers

Orcs are superhumanly strong human sized warriors

Tauren are like 9 foot tall slabs of muscle who can basically wield trees as weapons.

The Alliance winning any battle that goes to melee where they don’t have a massive numerical advantage should be damn near impossible.


Why would the blood still be effecting them to any significant degree? Not only was Mannoroth killed, it’s been quite a while since they consumed the blood regardless. That’s doubly true if they’re not Warsong since they’re the only ones that have consumed the blood since WC2.

They don’t seem to tend towards it but they can. When you first meet Dranosh Saurfang he’s being tended to after having gone into a Blood Rage fighting the Broken in Nagrand.

I mean honestly do you think the fact that mannoroth was alive is what effected them? it was the demon blood itself that effected them imo and its still in them

I can see you have never been stabbed in the shin by a gnome irl.

I try not to think about this too much because it just takes me out of the game :rofl:

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Any effects the fel blood had on the Orcs strength seems to have faded away during their time in internment, and just not fighting for over a decade.

Grommash had to drink the blood again to get that demonic strength back.

Going by what Grom said after he killed him, yes.

That aside, it’s clear that time weakens the effects. Otherwise, Grom and the Warsong wouldn’t have needed the boost to kill Cenarius. Even if killing Mannoroth didn’t have an effect, time would have.

These cinematics were so ahead of their time.

Mannoroth must have been pretty powerful if his veins were filled with pure Gamer Fuel. How could Grom even win?

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Pretty sure that I, IRL, could punt a gnome at least 5 feet if they tried.

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Not exactly.

Human vs Orc, maybe. But Worgen, Night Elves and Draenei have quite their chances. Especially the Worgen, who in my eyes are the strongest race in the game as these guys were killing heavily armored Tauren in Cataclysm.

Night Elves are both tall, athetlic and agile enough to dance around Orcs or Trolls and weaponry makes it a fair game there. And Draenei, well… the males are basically Orcs in physique.

Oh, and Kultiran.


Trolls are arguably just as agile and fast as elves.


If Rise of the Horde hasn’t been fully retconned (not sure if it has) Draenei were more than a match 1v1 vs Orcs. Its why they had to turn to using Drain Life on their own children to age them faster so they could build up a numerical advantage.

Yeah, you’re right. I agree.

The trouble is that Orcs have turned into Roided out hulk-monsters between the original canon of WC1 and WC2 and the battles portrayed there and now.

In the original Depiction an individual Orc was stronger than a Human, but not the massively huge difference in size we see.

Stronger and more savage yes, but not to the extent that skill, armor, and training couldn’t overcome them.

VS. what is now depicted as the average orc:


My hulking orc warrior with the grip strength of a titan and big eggplant energy radiating from every crevice just got outright murdered by a gnome so…

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Couldn’t beat up the Dark Lady! :skull: