Mag'har Orc vs Regular Orc

In terms of strength, I’m told that the green orcs you see in Azeroth, such as Thrall and Saurfang, are fives times stronger than the Mag’har Orcs because of that green drink (forgot the name) they had on Draenor, is this true?

If so, how would these two usually fare in 1v1 battles as a result?

It’s called the Blood of Mannoroth, because it was literally Mannoroth’s blood.


Demon Blood.™


Pah! I could beat any green orc!

Oh, except High Overlord Saurfang. That guy could beat up Chuck Norris!


Yes green Orcs are like the Hulk. But the price is they are puppets for the legion.

Not sure if the effect is permanent or wears off over time.

Don’t think the demon blood is affecting them anymore.

The green is residual that will wear off in later generations.


It’s best not to think about it too much. In the warcraft movie a orc throws a horse like a beanbag but somehow we’re all more or less evenly matched.


Both are equal in my sights.

Green Orcs are the same as any other Orc. Alliance just want an excuse as to why they got steamrolled by the Horde in WC1 & 2 and Cenarius wants excuses for getting absolutely dominated by mortals. Grom wasn’t drinking demon blood for enhancements, he was thirsty and enjoys the flavor.


After Grom killed Mannoroth, the power of all the Hi-C Ecto Cooler they drank wore off so they’re essentially equal in strength now.

The mythical Alliance hivemind strikes again.

Demon’s blood gave them a lot of power but it wore out over time. That’s why the Orcs bceame lethargic after they lost the Second War and were cut off, and why Grom and the Warsong needed the boost to go toe to toe with Cenarius. Also, as Morgam said, that power burned out when Mannoroth got axed.

As far as I’m aware, the only changes that still remain are the green skin and an indeterminately longer lifespan.

As a side note, the Frostwolves were turned green by the sheer amount of fel energy that surrounded them during the Old Horde. They never drank the blood.


I want to say the green orc wins.

I forgot that Cenarius got smacked by mortals :joy:

Don’t quote me on this but I think under the effects of Demon blood, Green Orcs were in fact stronger then Mag’har Orcs but when it wore off, it left them weaker then their untainted cousins.

From Hellscream broke the curse and freed the orcs from their slavery. Now they have the strength and their freedom.

It was a mortal, yes…but it was Grom Hellscream. He’s the poster boy for Orcs. It’s hard to top him in a fight.

Yeah…but isn’t Cenarius basically a god? Serious question.

He’s considered a demigod. Really, he’s basically a very powerful loa which, as we’ve seen repeatedly, are both killable and taste good to Trolls.

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That sounds like complete nonsense.

Garrosh is canonically one of the strongest Orcs and never had the blood curse.