Mag'har Orc Priest

Yeah but they were, and I don’t want to have to roll up an entirely new Allied Race DK to find out what the story justification was :laughing:

Maybe Youtube has something…

Okay, yeah, looking at the quests and intro on Youtube, the Allied Race DKs are made by Bolvar. He’s just straight up like, there’s a big threat on the horizon, and for that reason I’ve expanded the ranks of the Death Knights including whoever I could get my hands on.


Granted, he’s still a popsicle at that point. Darion Mograine is cool with new recruits into the Ebon Blade, though.


So yeah, they can kickstart the New DK Factory anytime they want, and have recently in the leadup to Shadowlands.


Ah, so he could… Guess they ignored the events of Legion and BFA.

To be fair, Blizzard has never been particularly hidebound by their own lore when it comes to enabling stuff that people want to do, like roll up a Pandaren or Lightforged or Mechagnome Death Knight.

It’s what I always try to tell people who get too mired down in the minutiae of lore to the point that they’re attacking people over it on the forums or in endless arguments in OOC brackets on RP servers, and that’s that even Blizzard doesn’t care that much. The story doesn’t need to be defended and enforced on people like it was a penal code, it’s a virtual Tuskarr Soup Pot with a bazillion contributors that don’t always go together super well and might turn into a shambling monstrosity in the end, but putting it together is supposed to be fun more than anything.

Blizzard themselves will whip up a plot MacGuffin if they need to, to do something like Highmountain DKs and Orc Priests. Just go with it, man, and fill in any blanks that might get left behind with your own personal story justifications. Let people have fun, be flexible.

Er, actually this is a pretty deep cut back to the Naaru in Oshu’gun.

There’s been plenty to complain about when it comes to lore recently but I don’t think this is one of them. This is clearly written by someone who recalled some pretty obscure lore and used it to make a valid connection.

The Mag’har can have their Shadowmoon void priests but this is a good alternative that doesn’t require assuming that any non-shadow priests aren’t canon.

I feel like all this explaining why Tauren rogues make sense is just a huge cope, I’ll bet you all also think it makes sense that only Kul Tiran are shaman and you can’t be a regular Human shaman. Or that all races should be druid or some other nonsense.

The reality is blizzard doesn’t care about lore or what makes sense anymore they said themselves they want as many options to be available as possible for race/class choice, and are actively moving toward making everything available to all races.

Doesn’t mean it makes sense or fits the lore, it doesn’t even matter its a moot arguement.

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WoW lore has been “lol” on classes since the beginning.

Forsaken Holy Priests are basically frying themselves with every cast.

How are LF draenei shadow priests a thing?

Priest lore in general is just a mess, close your eyes and embrace it.

Yea I don’t care how you rationalize it just double down and say its silly and doesn’t make sense. Blizzard doesn’t care about continuity stop acting like you do too.

I personally feel like all race/class combos should be in the game now, they have broken the integrity anyways, its anything goes now.

Tauren rogues have entered the chat.

But nah really, as soon as that became a thing I knew class fantasy was pretty much a thing of the past. Just open all race/class combos at this point.

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this could be easily fixed by having the holy light stuff swapped out for the worship of anshe, ya know, like tauren in the lore do, (i say in the lore because gameplay wise its all the human/draenei holy light religion)

i believe this mag’har is one from outland not alt draenor


I’m surprised to have to tell you that Tauren rogues have not been playable since 04. I’m sure this is some type of trolling maneuver and that’s fine, but nobody will ever convince me it’s not a meme combo.

I know.

No, I’m pointing out there have been tauren rogues in the game as NPCs since 2004 so it’s not the lore breaking combo you think it is.

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Alonsus Faol.

orc priests dont worship the light.
they worship the stars.

The maghar have a lot of spirit magic. Discipline priest represent spirit magic. Maghar also had a void follower sect we see in normal orcs.

Whole thing about Priests is they are spiritual, faith based. While it’s not necessarily the Light they worship it could be something else.

Ah but we live in a game where all Priests are part of the Church of Light, all Paladins the Order of the Silver Hand, so on and so forth. No room for interpretation among races.

A lot of forces use the light and worship different things. There is a holy realm of the light as there are for the other forces. So whatever worship they do, they tap into holy magics of the holy realm somehow.

Tyr is an arcane construct yet his model is shown to be light infused. Similar to how Freya was life infused. There faiths can be different but they can all channel magics from the same realm.