so i found this on and i have to say… didn’t the Mag’har run away from their home (alt.Dreanor) because the light was taking over???
this new lore coming to 10.0.7 speak of Orc finding the spirit with in and it sound exactly like the light sooo…
what gives?? why hasn’t the other Mag’har reacted to this yet??? are we pretending running from Alt.Dreanor never happened and Mag’har have always been on the Horde now???
i am confused…
But the Shadowmoon tribe are shadow priests.
Orc Holy priests make about as much sense as Lightforged Dranei shadow priests do… but here we are!
It’s not a big deal though, many of the class/race combos don’t make sense but just take the win on extra customization and player choice to play as an unusual combo. Drizzt shouldn’t be a thing either and he’s fantasy writing’s ultimate mary sue.
yes, but that to me made some sense on the fact that the void act differently to the light even though the light and the void are basically the same coin…
but now the new Priest are speaking of a spirit with in…
is there a new power similar to the light being introduce here or something?
they can’t limit races to the best lore fit spec. so they get the other ones that don’t really add up. they didn’t do new lore.
well they could but then it get messy. I’d trade in holy and disc on my void elf s. priest to really bump up the shadow spec stat wise.
that be a balance issue, and rants on racial bias (in terms of game classes). Ie…raids would only take an orc or void elf s. priest.
We have Lightforged Death Knights.
So I don’t see why any other race and class combo can get more ridiculous than that.
Mag’har Priests are all canonically shadow, much like Forsaken and Void Elves, as far as I’m aware.
The new lore you linked is about the base Orc priest - which is new because they didn’t believe in the Light at all. They explained it in another way than just drawing power from the Light and it’s fitting for Orcs.
Why do you type with so many question marks???
That aside, the mag’har left AU Draenor because the Lightbound were taking over (and because the orcs had strip-mined and clear-cut the life out of the planet in their unchecked industrialism, but blame the Light for it)
You gotta remember, what we know as a players and what people know in the game world are two different things. There’s only a handful of people who ever knew Oshu’gun contained a naaru, and even if they told that to the AU mag’har they’d probably shrug it off as draenei propaganda because, after all, it was the “sacred mountain”, not a naaru vessel (according to them).
Mag’har priests who use the Light were unintentionally guided by the naaru. Mag’har priests who use the Void probably got it from the Shadowmoon Clan who, ironically, learned it from tapping into the powers of a naaru falling to Void back in early WoD.
Orc priests are kind of like shamans except their focus is on the 5th, less talked about element - spirit.
Kind of like this
Yrel did nothing wrong.
She’s still my buddy from WoD and she still has a promise to keep with us.
because i felt like it, i liked it like that i don’t see why it’s wrong and no don’t explain.
i still like placing it like that.
Seems to be they’re a Mag’har orc from the original Draenor (Outland) and not alternate Draenor.
Lok’osh Nakha:
"Not so long ago, your people travelled through Garadar. Their deeds for the Mag’har were many. One of these champions solved the mystery of our troubled ancestral spirits.
I watched that hero and learned what they discovered. After they had gone, I sought the spirit of Mother Kashur. She spoke of a song that only the spirits could hear. It troubled them at first, but with that champion’s aid, they were able to finally rest.
For years, I tried to hear that song. The day I first heard it was a day of awakening. I listen to that song even now – it speaks of healing and renewal.
While my shaman brothers and sisters speak to the elements without, I speak to the elements within – a song of the heart. A song of the spirit. A Lok’osh."
As referenced in the first line, they mention ‘Garadar’ - which doesn’t exist in alternate Draenor. So seems very likely they’re of the surviving Mag’har of Outland.
Can’t this thought process be similar to how they justified Tauren Paladins? Don’t they derive power from something other than the generic “light”?
Maybe it’s Matthew Lesko!
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So…mag’har paladins confirmed? 
Apparently in AU Draenor there are indeed Mag’har paladins, including Exarch Hellscream.
Would be pretty sweet using the mag’har heritage armor with some glowing light tattoos.
Playable Mag’har come from alt Draenor. The Mag’har in charge of the Lok’osh teachings is from the main timeline Outland.
So they have less issues with that. Also I think even the mag’har of the Alt Draenor probably know the difference between a draenei lightbound zealot and someone just practicing their faith in the Light either way. They’re not gonna lose it on the Blood Elves Blood Knights for instance just because.
In AU Draenor, there are “Lightbound” Mag’har (and also Ogres!) who were captured and forced through the Lightforging process by the Draenei, who, as someone mentioned, blame the Orcs for strip-mining the world and exhausting it to the point of it falling apart.
The Mag’har reject that the Light should be in CHARGE of literally everything and relied on exclusively, but that doesn’t mean that they necessarily hate the entire force outright. There might be some who just don’t want to have beets for every single meal of every day and think that the overfarming of beets is ruining the world. They blame the Lightbound Draenei for over-emphasizing the Light, throwing the world’s forces out of balance and tipping it over into destruction. Still, there could easily either be Lighbound AU Mag’har or Light users who just don’t go full zealot with it.
There’s a third theory, that they’re both kind of right but that overall the timeline is just decaying and falling apart because it’s too disconnected from the main timeline and those other factors aren’t helping. My Lightforged character is a “Lightbound” AU Draenei and that’s the option that I go with as being “the truth” in my RP personally, but maybe this new update will shed some more light on it?
The Mah’har story origins are fake, the situation on Draenor hasn’t progressed, Yrel isn’t leading a crusade of the Light. I go to Draenor quite often, so I can tell you from firsthand experience.
Lightforged Draenei cannot be Death Knights, nor can Vulpera nor any other silly nonsense. No Tauren rogues, no Tauren Paladins, no Orc Priests, no Zandalari Paladins, no Light using Forsaken, etc. It’s all made up nonsense so players can play more of whatever nonsensical thing they feel like.
At least, if the lore was at all consistent and good. So no, OP, Mag’har Orc Priest doesn’t make sense. But then, the of the Lore as toilet paper has been going on much longer than just this one thing. Enjoy!
My man’s worried about lore affecting race/class combos yet we got tauren rogues