Magetowers extremely over tuned

when you say first a thing, do you mean the patch it came out, or just later on in the expansion?


It’s not, it’s a skill issue. I completed all specs for the original and all current ones when it first released in SL. I am not sure what the difficulty is like now with the talent revamps but I can’t imagine it’s that much different.

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Wouldn’t help as legendary affixes and tier sets are disabled in the tower and all your gear is scaled to the same ilvl. Your gear really only affects your stat weights.


ive never done the mage tower.

where might one start this journey.


Uhhh, Incorrect lol.
The gear is higher level than what current gear gets scaled down to. You can also gem and enchant it and im not talking about legendaries or tier sets.

This isn’t true anymore.

New item scaling is also in in the new Mage Tower. It’s downscaled to ilvl 120 now.

Any old Legion drops you’ve gotten before DF pre-patch are still hard stuck at ilvl 50-60. Meaning they’re massively underpowered for MT now.

Which is kinda useless, because those enchants also don’t scale up now. Crusader requires an item level of 50 or less, but what good is a ilvl 50 weapon vs a ilvl 120 weapon.

Also, can’t just buy Dauntless gear with Nethershards to spam for Sockets which was BiS for SL MT, that gear is still ilvl 50, it didn’t get scaled up.

The meta completely changed again. Time to update your stuff.


Destruction warlock seems quite hard. you run out of means to kick/interrupt Fel blast quickly and the adds seem to be spawning from eggs before the eggs cast bar has even reached 30% - 40%.

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That’s my high school prom all over again
 Oh wait that was the movie carrie

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And then you get the REAL reward


So is the MoP Crafted Dreadful/Malevolent etc gear not good for Mage Tower anymore?

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I would advise any the fanboys saying “git gud” to roll a ret paly and give that a go one shot kills at the start.


Okay hard and nice are seperate things. Im sure we can still have nice things without the need to pull ones one hair out to achieve something on a “game”.

This is exactly why we can’t have “hard content” would be a better last statement


Is mage tower scaling people down to 50 still or is it 60 now?

scaled to lvl 45

Oh nice that is even better than 50, as long as it is a level I can lock xp in and farm tbc dungeons for gear with gems.

MoP gear was never good for Mage Tower. People went googly eyed for it early on, but because most people don’t realise that sockets on MoP gear aren’t free. You get less stats because of those baked in sockets. Sockets began being free starting with WoD random proc sockets. Meaning you get full stats + the socket.

That being said, you can still use Crafted Dreadful gear. You’ll have to completely recraft it, and you’ll have to use Relic of the Past IV to make it at least ilvl 127.

Here for example, take gloves. Same ilvl, technically same item budget right ? Since the MoP gloves come with a built-in socket, you lose 5 secondaries and 1 primary to pay for it, counting socket bonus :

That means your gem to be worth it has to make up for that loss of 6 stat points. Thankfully, Shadowland gems haven’t had their ilvl restriction increased, so you can get 16 from those. Probably best though to farm Legion raids for items with sockets though. Those won’t cost any budget and you can shove those SL gems into them.


you did it well into 7.3.5 going by your current toon, which is when it had been indirectly nerfed by the new systems, and extra ~45-60 ilvls that was available above what it was tuned for.


Where even are the mage towers


broken shore in the broken isles.

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Guardian Druid one was super easy