Mages water elemental

I agree, that’s my point.

They still were never a pet class.

It was removed for good reasons and the spec is healthier because of it.

it wasnt removed for “good reasons”

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And because people don’t like pets and having to micromanage pet ai.

The better health of the spec is a good reason.

You may not like it but you’re a minority.

i1 literally explained why in the very first post.


You just said “it wasnt removed for “good reasons”” - Aka their reason isn’t good enough for you, so you are going to throw a fit.

You don’t know how to use that. Please don’t try.

That’s not the first post.


Still using this word incorrectly. Should probably stop

I hate the water elemental, I’m glad it was removed.

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Water Elemental is a little different in that it’s not totally gone, just summoned now as part of using Icy Veins as opposed to a standalone pet. The standalone pet summon had a very low pick rate to begin with, and thinking through interactions - is this a class we’re trying to shoehorn into being a pet class, as opposed to just a pure ranged caster? Most players prefer to be the pure ranged caster, as we could see from the talent selection. Water Elemental is there as part of the original Warcraft III-era fantasy of what a Mage in Azeroth can bring to bear, and I think moving it to Icy Veins keeps it as part of that fantasy, makes it more impactful when it’s around, but crystalizes Mage as not a pet class in line with how players have largely been playing it. -

Aka you don’t like the reason and are throwing a fit.

There, I just showed you how to use it.

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Yeah I meant wc3 Jaina. She can do what she wants these days. She’s god tier.

Yeah it sucks for the people who love the permanent option. I love it as a cooldown and am glad it returned to that. But it should be the choice node on the tree. A temporary water ele cooldown that also gives you a haste boost, or just a permanent pet and foregoing the haste boost.

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It makes sense for them to be up for a limited time.

The pixels are not capable of feeling sad.

Jaina is one of, if not the most, powerful mortal mage. She is definitely capable of doing more than the player characters. Or should we also be able to freeze a portion of the ocean and summon a massive Blizzard?

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I’m not going to appeal to lore because WoW lore is as inconsistent as heck and you can argue just about any conclusion from contradictions.

However we had the Water Elemental as a permanent pet for 14 years straight.

Personally I quite like having a targetable Freeze that’s off GCD and castable while casting along with a pet that can take some of the heat off me on a rare occasion.

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If MM Hunters can get back their pets before they even get removed, then I see no reason Frost Mages can’t get Water Elementals back as permanent pets.


same frost mages need the water elemental pet back PERIOD.

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