Mages Can't Cast Displacement via Macro when using Shimmer

Steps to recreate:
learn shimmer
learn Displacement
make a “/cast Displacement” or any modifier version
cast shimmer, press macro, get “spell is not learned” error. (Macro tries to cast the BFA/pre-shadowlands version of the spell instead)


Confirming this happens to me too. I can use the spell normally but cannot use it in a macro at all, regardless of modifiers or order.

Kind of makes the spell unusable for me, since I’m used to it being the shift modified version of my blink hotkey, and I have no room for it to be its own slot. Please fix!


Can confirm, this is still broken.

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Actually this macro seems to work for some reason:

#showtooltip Blink
/castsequence reset=8 !Blink, Displacement

Edit: This isn’t great because if blink fails for any reason then you can’t recast blink.


Can confirm, still broken. :confused:

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Update: Still broken as of 10.1.0.


Yea no idea why this is still an issue. Mage has like 10 major bugs (cant cast double orbs in mass aoe, huge deal) that are coming up on their 3rd-4th birthdays. It’s especially annoying since all of my binds are macrod so I dont have to have physical bars on the screen. The only fix is to throw it on a bar off screen/hidden.

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Why is this still a bug Blizzard? This should be very easy to fix.


3rd-4th birthday? That’s nothin – I noticed the whole ‘logging out while on a flying mount and the Slow Fall buff active and logging back in makes your flying speed super low’ thing like over ten years ago (and ‘bug submitted’ it several times), and that’s still a thing… albeit relatively inconsequential.

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you guys try spell id instead? may work.

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Why is this still not fixed?


STILL broken on 10.2.5 PTR - reported multiple times.

1600 views on this is crazy


lmao does anyone work at blizzard anymore?

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Still broken too. When putting it in a macro, it gives you the Displacement spell that you cant even use, that works for BLINK, not SHIMMER.

Seems like the only fix we can do is to keybind the modifier key and add the Displacement spell from the spell book to the keybound action bar.

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07/2024 - Still Broken… :sleeping:

appears to work with normal Blink, doesn’t work when talented into Shimmer


Still broken…

Oddly enough it was working yesterday before reset, but it’s once again bugging out.

Currently still unacknowledged and bugged on 11.0.5 PTR.

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Still not working.