Mages are the worst class at Torghast and beta testers failed us

That’s a pretty big buff to arcane. The one shot boss mechanic is nerfed, but this power is pretty attractive common option for arcane. It’s not the worst for the others either. Kinda of wish it was pyroblast instead of fireball and maybe ice lance instead of frost bolt. Then it’d be more even between specs.

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Mage is fine in Torghast. You just have to get your ilvl up to 180+ then it’s easy. I was struggling a lot when I was around ilvl 160 but after beefing up it’s now a breeze. Ya’ll expect to show up in greens and be able to own it. Yeah, it doesn’t work like that.

Gear up a bit more and you’ll see it’s actually doable.

Maybe besides rogue, that would be the only class to have to super gear up to access braindead content everyone else is breezing through


I was struggling at torghast at first, but now that I’ve accepted the mechanics and tweaked my talents (rather than just follow guides) it is way way easier.

As some advice, try the following:

  1. Make sure to collect all the ghosts for the int buff, this really adds up in power by the time you reach the end boss

  2. Take the time to really collect all the anima powers and focus on dps oriented ones.

  3. Use poly a lot - super easy

  4. I reshaped my talents to be more mobile and single target focused. Incanter’s flow, lonely winter (although if you need the extra freeze, take bone chilling and water elemental), frozen touch and comet storm. I find that it is hard to control packs with splitting ice, and freezing rain is good if you get the powers to buff blizzard, but I like the extra damage of comet storm and versatility on packs vs single target. There’s a lot of 1v1 fights where I find comet storm just to be a little more useful, even though it isn’t amazing or anything.

The big thing is kiting. If you stand still and face tank, you die. Slow things down, freeze them, and kite. Burn through your fof and bf procs, make sure you consume your winter’s chill correctly, and honestly it’s not that difficult. Time consuming to solo yes, you aren’t going to just power through it like maybe an unholy dk or something, but that’s just the way it is.


Mages are very gear dependent. With better gear things are changing dramatically. Nothing new this expansion.

Yeah it is probably one of the best if not the best power you can get as arcane now. A 200% damage boost to arcane blast is huge.

you dont need that gear to do torghast. almost every class can do it without any of that crap. you play a shadow priest you have no room to complain

Amusing when druids talk about things being a breeze to do. Your class currently is OP as hell. as moonkin you can go into torghast with crap gear root everything and starfall killing everything before it ever hits you once. Guardian druids just run through the entire lvl spamming out thrash healing every second.

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Mages do have a tough time and part of it is knowing what buffs to take. I kinda cheat by running with prot pally and I run as Fire as Frost just wasnt working for me. The improved mirror image buff and then add additional images is a huge buff. They cast a nasty huge pyro and will do most of your damage easily. It trivialized floor bosses and made the last boss that much easier.

I feel they changed mirror images in tor. They used to tank for me a bit, and now they get smashed in seconds


Well so far, i have not had an issue soloing anything in torgast as a frost mage in a speedy time frame. But i use the legendary with grizzly icicles. That legendary is very potent in torgast at all layers and prevents your spells from breaking frost nova. So you ice lance spam the mobs to death. Same with bosses. Now i will agree that some bosses are harder than others. last week i could not do a layer 6 boss alone because the fight dragged out and he went immune to cc’s. We shall see how i do soloing layer 7 and 8 this week. But i hghly reccomend useing defensive legendaries as a mage in torgast because you will not always get them during your runs. Again grizzly icicle is my favorite so far.

I find Torghast to be very easy to solo as a mage. My complaints with mages is the fact that Frost is about 20% under tuned.

I’m 194 ilvl I think. Other classes in the 180s have been talking about how easy Torghast is and mentioning all these sweet abilities they can get.

I walked into layer 6 of one of the wings today. Blew all CDs and barely managed to kill the literal first group of floor 1 (group of two elites). Then out of combat a guy with 2x my HP spawned and I went to war with him, having to use a healthpot to stay alive. I ate, killed a couple mawrats, and the guy spawned again - survived thanks to CDs. I walked out vowing to never solo anything higher than layer 5 (at least, until things change).

I did manage to solo layers 4 and 5 of the wings last week, but it took roughly three hours total to do so - basically have to wait for CDs on most elites, and takes forever to kill things.


Layer 6 seems to be the mage “soft cap” for soloing regardless of iLvl or spec, especially with the nerfs to powers.

Last week all I got were utility powers and couldn’t do anything about it, this week I haven’t even set foot inside.

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Hmm what spec and ilvl you’re at? I’ve never died before while soloing Tor, and today I just solo-ed layer 5 after the update and the 200% increase frostbolt dmg buff is pretty good. Got the Ghoul boss and it was very easy.

But the whole layer is a chore. Took me almost an hour to clear. Really hate that Oppressive Aura thing from the sentinel.

Wonder if it’ll be faster with a healer friend.

I was 158 I think when I made that post, so I’m going to run some heroics. Even then I think I got the short end of the stick in terms of rng anima powers. I haven’t tried since the changes, so hopefully i’ll get the Arcane Blast buffs

I’ve been duoing with tanks. Still takes a while but much safer.

Not if you play bone chilling and kite it with your ele. Use mirror image and I barely get hit when attacking bosses.

I think they needed mirror images. They don’t tank for squat anymore.