Mage/Priest LFG

I ment to post this sooner but with alot of IRL stuff happening due to dramatic change in weather i am just now able to post and start looking.

Lets start off with what i am looking for and go from there. In a guild i am looking for a guild that does keys and has a few people that wanna push keys wanna get the ksm and keep pushing, looking for a guild that wants to hangour and discord and chat with each other from time to time outside of raid. A guild that wants to push into mythic and kill as many bosses as possible. And a guild that helps one another to grow and keep getting better each week.

Class wise i am looking to main priest if i am healing and mage if i am dpsing. I plan to play all 3 specs on priest but wanna focus more on healing. On mage i plan to play all 3 specs and swap to what ever is best currently i will be fire. I am okay with maining either class and alting the other.

Raid time wise anytime after 9pm est any day of the week. No i cannot raid before 9 pm est. Also i am looking for a guild that raids 2 nights a week and a 3rd day as a alt/optional raid.

I currently am rerolling to these classes and have a little work to do to get caught up. I have switched as i was maining a class i didnt wanna main before but did cause thats what guild needed for progression. I am now switching back to the 2 toons i planned to main/ main alt with since the begining of the expansion.

I have already gotten aotc and few mythic bosses down so i do know most the fights and will push to get caught up quickly.

Thanks so much for reading my post and for your time.

If you wanna contact me my discord is Sadonus#3038 or can drop info below

Request sent on Discord

Reddit raids Tues and Thurs nights from 9pm –midnight central/ sever time. Also do an optional alt /community raid Saturday night, lots of fun!

Currently 10/10H and 1/10M. Mostly just aim for AOTC then hit a few mythic bosses to pass the time between raid tiers.

Most of us are in our 30s. My Battletag is JRoc#1966 and Discord is JRoc#5400. Hit me up and lets chat!