Mageblade for mages?

Still wrong. Holy paladins live and die by crit, and no other weapon comes close to the mageblade before nefarion.

And even the mace from nefarion is more of a sidegrade than an upgrade due to having 83 healing, but less crit.


spoken like a true idiot who donā€™t look at the overhealing meter / donā€™t realize how easier it is to heal when stuff die quickly.

I wouldnā€™t expect anything less from general forum.

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Due to stat weights i did, yes.

Stam = 1 stam is 10 HP. Does it helpā€¦ yes, is it more important than sp? No.
Spirit is pretty worthless for raiding as a lock or mage (top 2 classes that will be fighting for AMB)
Int = 60 int for 1% crit. 1 int = 15 mana. - Not enough Int to make it better than AMB + AV Oh combo.

as if paladin actually ran out of mana in PvE?

So itā€™s 35 SP vs. 375 mana and a little over a half of a percent chance to crit?

I guess the 375 mana looks pretty juicy to me as healer.

EDIT: But then again, I would never roll on either of these hahaha

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As a healer - i can see it looking sexy. As a lock its a pure dps loss.


No, you donā€™t have the right to be upset. You knew the loot council going in.

Now with that said. I would be very wary of anyone giving mageblade to a holy pally before the DPS (mages and locks) have it. BIS for dps for a long time. Pally will most likely replace it with Jindos Hexxer.

I would say it says more about your loot council then anything else.

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ā€¦because of crit lol

If a paladins heals arenā€™t critting, heā€™ll be oom within ~3 minutes of semi intense healing. Fights like domo and sulfuron show the limitation to a paladins mana pool compared to that of a priest or shaman.

Currently I sit Unbuffed at 5500 mana, 575 bonus healing, and 23% crit rate as a holy paladin. In fights like lucifron, magmadar, Golemag, etc I never dip below 40-50% mana. Stacking more spell power to my gear on those fights over crit rate could be optimal.

However on longer fights that are more heal intensive like domo, rag (as MT dedicated healer), sulfuron, I canā€™t downrank and without innervate, mana pots, etc I will be oom within 2-3 minutes. Stacking more crit over spell power in fights like these is essential, and BWL has a lot more fights like this, than cake fights like lucifron.

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If your MC boss fights are lasting 3 minutesā€¦ its because you are giving dps loot to healers.


Weā€™ve been lucky with mageblades and one of our pally got one. Heā€™s a good healer with 100% attendance so nobody cares.

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The mageblade in p2 is BiS for every caster class besides priests, and shaman, and EVERY class has an upgrade from nefarion or chromagus in p3. Longevity of the mageblade given out in P1 or p2 is a moot point when everyone has an available upgrade coming 3 weeks from now.


why would a pally downrank Flash of Light spam?

You can always be upset about anything you want, emotions are fickle and lame like that.

However, Azuresong Mageblade is a fantastic item on a Paladin and current BiS. Paladins in general are amazing Healers and can pretty much carry Healing teams once they get sufficient Spell Crit, which Mageblade provides.

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All healers, including paladins, downrank heals. Much much more mana efficient. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


If a paladins heals arenā€™t critting, heā€™ll be oom within ~3 minutes of semi intense healing

which is why you gear up DPS and make fight not last 3 minuteā€¦ aka gearing up the DPS to kill rag pre-submerge is waaaaaaay more efficient than gearing healers.

I canā€™t downrank and without innervate, mana pots, etc I will be oom within 2-3 minutes.

yes, you can have 3 pallies spamming R1 FoL on ragā€™s MT and be fineā€¦ not that asking healer to use a mana pot on the 1 or 2 mana intensive fight is somehow a big deal considering how many consumable DPS use.

and BWL has a lot more fights like this,

not really. razorgore get easier the faster you kill the adds , Vael doesnā€™t last 3 minute, same as broodlord. drakes are loot pinataā€¦ chrom is mostly about dispell which wonā€™t be helped by crit or +healing power leaving you to pot once or twice on nef.

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I downrank as a priest but the downranking guides Iā€™ve read said Pally should never downrank Flash just the big heal.

The only time a paladin uses holy light is when divine favor is being used, I.e. every 2 minutes.

Any guide thatā€™s telling you not to downrank is flat out wrong.


Paladins can regain mana back using a fast weapon and Seal of Wisdom, so even if they go OOM itā€™s not the end of the world for them in a raid environment that doesnā€™t have any bomb mechanics.

I think the drama part of the blade is the most important factor. If you tell your paladins that only the mages will get the blade, thatā€™s going to be prone to drama. The raid Iā€™m in has paladins decked out of their tier sets for PvP and are generally happy, but theyā€™ll want to replace their weapons sometime. The Aurastone is a good PvP upgrade to the Hammer of Grace, but that sword is pretty fantastic.

Guildmasterā€™s boyfriend.

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Please, show me a holy paladin that spends his time on boss fights auto attacking the boss, while still healing the raid. Lol

Seal of wisdom and judgement of wisdom are absolutely not anywhere near an optimal nor viable means of mana regen for a holy paladin in a raid setting.

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