Mage vs warlock

Ran a RSS on my frost mage, 1800MMR, lobby was bm hunter, affy lock and assa rogue. Both MW healers, the warlock was just sitting in middle as a turret just pumping damage, even during heavy damage it seemed to be immortal. I feel like as a mage I was having to play twice as hard with CC, burst windows etc. is affy lock easy to play? Seemed like an immortal raid boss doing infinite damage

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Warlock is tanky but tbh odds are yall just full sent your cds into dark pact and cocoon every round lol

That lobby should absolutely shred aff apart

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Aff is definitely tanky, but if ANY class is standing in the middle of the map for any combination of those classes, then they’re doing their dps rotation very wrong.

Warlock will basically always Out pve mage, but during veins you have more pressure because of the long duration of the cd.

It sounds like you’re trying to do too much; I had that problem on my mage as well and would use half my cd trying to set up or cc instead of just pumping damage.

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Your teams fault for not locking the affy down. Literally the least mobile caster in game. Your fault.

Yeah 20s port, freedom, and gate are all low mobility.


Think thats sp for sure and I’d actually argue that lock has better defensive mobility than most classes (map dependent ofc) because of the nature of port and its ability to los.


Perma slowing a team with one button and being able to LOS pretty much whenever you want is amazing.

20s port vs mage blink, invisibility, stun, sheep, ice block…you have waaaaaay more in your arsenal.

Gate is stationary and the cast for it can be interrupted. Nice try though.

No because when you put port down, players know exactly where you will be when you use it.


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What button does that?

Why does that make it less mobile than sp?

Also, that doesn’t change the fact that it has the ability to give you insane defensive LoS capabilities on maps like maldraxxus, tolviron, mugambala, and blackrook hold.

I’d argue that warlocks are harder to kill on those maps than something like hunter or moonkin.

Its retail, if you see an affliction lock you have to go for him unfortunately. You’re overthinking it, there isn’t as many options as there used to be.

Any time we focused the lock is was gating and porting to los. While its dots just rotted everything down. Idk maybe I struggle with the tankyness of them.

How much damage were people doing? Was it close to sim dps?

Sorry, one button per person. Jynx is rotational and you can slow mf’ers indefinitely with it.


High skillcap for sure

But ultra low skill floor

You can play it really badly and go pretty far since fundamentally you just press 123 tab 123 tab and don’t really interact with cc and you’re passively tankier than most specs in the game before your 8second port cd


Where are you guys getting immortal from.

Jeesuz have you seen the death rate per spec in all mode.

Calling Aff the least mobile spec when Sp exists is diabolical

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Hey in that case remove port from lock and give it to ret, “Divine Circle”, same thing just yellow.