Mage Tower

I mean how ridiculous is this, you literally cannot win this challenge without having a whole timewalking set with enchants & gems. Something that’s supposed to be a skill check, is completely thrown out the window considering how much less damage you do without. I mean really, holy time gating. I guess I’ll pay 50k gold for a crafted set, then another 20k on flasks, to improve my, “Skill.” Better yet, run old dungeons for 15 weeks until l I get a full set. I bet you i’ll do it a lot quicker, shameful.



Could you try to explain how something that is supposed to be a skill check suddenly isn’t because you can’t do it in your current gear and feel the need to get better gear before trying it again?

If you’re “skillful” enough, you don’t need to do all that. If not, you can make up for a your “skill” deficiency with more gear. How is this different than anything else in the game? The best Mythic raiders progress Mythic bosses in the previous tier’s gear. Other people need to gear up in current tier gear to make up for their lower ability. Same in M+, same in PvP. Better players play better regardless of gear. The rest of get whatever gear we need to be as successful as we’re able.

PS - these were all beat in SL gear in 2021, so…


Do you just like to argue with people? If you don’t do enough damage, in enough time, to certain enemies, you will get overrun. Overrun means you lose. I don’t understand how there could even be an argument. Go yell at yourself in the mirror.


Bro you’re level 35 trying to do level 60 content, no wonder you’re struggling. :dracthyr_shrug:


I feel your frustration OP, but it can be done even without the cheese of timewalking sets/enchants/gems.

The cheese exists if you’d rather spend your time out gearing it in a very specific way instead of learning and mastering the fight(s) by pulling it dozens of times…

I do think it’s just a really weird and unintended design that resulted in certain gems and enchants interact in a certain superior way to others from varying expansions due to how they’ve squished stats over the years.


First off, thank you for understanding. I know it can be done, but who wants to spend 100s of times until they get that perfect run, or they can just gear up and breeze through it. My point is, it shouldn’t depend on your trinkets, or how many war drums you just banged on. It’s such a cut & dry difference between geared and non geared, for a, “Skill” orientated challenge. My dps on my feral is 550, everyone on youtube in their tricked out gear, is pulling 750-800. It makes the fight go that much faster, as well as having to deal with less mechanics.

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i did mage tower in my current live gear… just gotta practice mate. even with perfect gear you have to do a perfect run to win… i did the fury warrior boss.

If it makes you feel any better I switched to Ele earlier this week because that fight is massively easier than Resto, and have only made it to the 3rd phase out of like 12-15 attempts.

I kite the ground junk mobs to the side, prioritize stuff NPCs with the same CDs they’re using in the video, and look to be missing the ‘comfortable’ DPS check by about 200. Probably would help if I had ever played Ele before, but the guy in the video took 48 tries with BIS Legion raid gear–so I assume it’s just running it a bunch until you get really good at it.

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Definitely practicing man, I have gotten closer. You got 291 ilvl, I’m sure that doesn’t hurt haha. My normal is 245, I do way less dps in my regular stuff. Congrats though, agatha is ridiculous.

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Ilvl doesn’t impact the challenge as long as it’s above the scaling set by the scenario. 241 and 295 would scale to the same.

Tw stuff is only better because it has more sockets.

If you want a step by step run through, I suggest checking out bicepspumps guide, and the runs he has on his YouTube channel which he did using unleveled class trial characters.

Unholy one.

Not necessarily, but I do like correcting rants with misinformation.

Yeah, I understand, many encounters have a damage check you have to pass to win. What you’re not explaining is why your failure to make that damage check in your current gear means that the fight is no longer about skill. Especially when other people have completed the encounter in gear comparable to yours.

Why is it “cheese” to gear up? Is it cheese that raid groups don’t do mythic in Zereth Mortis catch up gear? Is it cheese that M+ groups don’t do +25-30 keys in heroic dungeon gear? Why is it that Mage Tower seems to be the only part of the game where it’s considered cheese to optimize your gear?

People who want to win…
How many pulls did it take to kill M Jailer? M Sylvanas? M Denathrius? Etc.

Some people like a challenge. If you don’t, that’s fine. Don’t do it. There’s nothing but a transmog gated behind it.

Same as above, are mythic raid bosses not a skill check because people try to get BiS trinkets and expect to have lust/hero? Are high M+ keys not a skill check for the same reason? Your argument makes absolutely zero sense.

Not how it works. Both of you had ilvl 50 gear when you did it. There is no difference between 291, 245, 226, 184 etc. in the Mage Tower. It all scales down to 50.

Agatha is, by miles, the easiest of the Mage Tower challenges. Kill adds, interrupt a cast, and dodge meteors. Do that for long enough and you win.

This is the funniest part about this entire thread. You can do this with low dps as long as you manage everything. Sure, you have to do it longer, but the only difference there is that it requires more skill to keep going without making a fatal error. I’m not aware of any enrage, so if you just keep executing she will cleave down eventually. In other words, you just need to play better. Or, you can spend a little time optimizing your gear and make it easier.

If you do decide to optimize, I hope you’re still prepared to execute well. You can’t just start the encounter and expect the gear to win it for you while you afk. All the gear does is give you a slightly better margin for small mistakes and suboptimal dps rotation. If you fail to kill adds, miss an interrupt or take a boulder to the face you’re probably going to die regardless of your gear.

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Building a TW set is helpful but not necessary for any of the challenges.

I did it on my Warlock with no timewalking items at all. I did it on this Shadow priest with one timewalking trinket and a couple of heirlooms to improve secondaries.

It’s definitely a lot easier if you can breeze through dps checks, but none of them require it.

Of course the old gear, old pots, etc are not required, but it is absolutely easier to use them than current SL gear, not to mention much cheaper repairs. Gaze of Sethe does ridiculous amounts of damage, as does the pod from EN.

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seems like a proper challenge for the elite uber player of today. Will you rise to it?

posting on an alt AND lacking the achievement… guess not.

Because we don’t know the design intention behind it, and the roundabout way you go about optimizing that gear is unconventional. If Blizzard wanted your timewalking ilvl to scale they’d attached it to your max level(60) + ilvl(1-311 or whatever the max is atm) to make you stronger depending on your ilvl in game, they don’t, it’s static stats across the board.

Put it another way if you’re in like full ilvl 304 gear, and there some ilvl 74 item and enchants from 3 expansions ago that are just superior and you went to optimize your gear and use them, the devs would almost certainly nerf or change those things, we’ve seen it happen before.

Timewalking sets and abilities in general used to be much more potent then they are now, set bonuses and legendary effects have been turned off, they’ve been nerfed into the ground over time.

Which leads me to believe it’s not really intended to optimize your timewalking gear the roundabout way people do, players are just clever and do it and Blizzard hasn’t bothered to patch/change it and didn’t have the foresight to stop it in the first place, they also haven’t spoken on it and said it’s ok either. Hence the cheese label.

That said I do understand the flip side of the argument, if it’s in the game and it’s not getting you in trouble do whatever you want. It’s just my opinion on the subject. I have a time walking set or two myself. :slight_smile:

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Oh! Bro if you had just told me you were Feral that would have made it easier, I was top 10 US to finish the challenge and #2 on my server on release.

Tunnel the boss, cleave the adds. There’s videos of people doing it online, but if you try to kill the adds (which do a ton of damage I know) and lose uptime on the boss you’ll start to fall behind and you won’t be able to catch-up.

Also yeah you should get a bit more gear if you’re 245 equipped. I would start doing M+, get 4 set, and make sure your legendaries are 262+ minimum. The 4 set alone will help with the adds if you time it right, and you can burn her fast enough to only get one set of boulders.

I haven’t done Agatha since Legion, so I can’t give you a bunch of tips, but the thing that was holding me back initially was trying to kill the adds and not just rip the boss. It’s a cleave fight and a skill check above all else, and IMO Feral is the hardest of all of them.

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I appreciate your help and the advice bro!! I just killed that… won’t say it. I ended up buying a ton of flasks, oils, food, drums, and runes. After this big concoction, also a set of timewalking gear, I took her down. My DPS went from 550 to 710. I understand it’s skill, but wow did that help. After all the upgrades I got her in about 6 tries.

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Are you trolling him right now? All gear is scaled down to ilvl 50. So his 245 gear? Ilvl 50 in the mage tower. Upgrading his gear to all 304? Ilvl 50 in the mage tower.

Legendaries and Tier bonuses are disabled in the Mage Tower, so a 291 legendary = a 190 legendary in the Mage Tower, and both of them are stat sticks with no proc.

Agatha was harder in Legion, and Feral was probably the hardest Agatha in Legion, but the tank and heal challenges were miles harder than any of the dps towers.

None of which matters, because Agatha is the easiest in the current iteration, and my go to for a quick transmog if it’s available on that class.

This may or may not have been good advice in Legion, I don’t remember what my strategy was on feral by the time I got around to it. But I would advise you to check videos and see if that is the current best plan. The classes I’ve done it on so far definitely prioritized killing adds as fast as possible and allowing cleave to whittle Agatha down, obviously tunneling her between add spawns. As long as you keep the adds dead and interrupt her spell, the only thing left is dodging boulders. As long as you can do that it doesn’t matter how much damage you do on her, she will die eventually. Agatha will never kill you by herself. It will always be a careless hit from a boulder, badly placed puddles, missed interrupts, or poor add control that will end your attempt.

I beat her buddy, my opinion still stands. Here I am on my alt too, for some reason that made you think I’m hiding? Guess you do that sometimes here on the ol’ forum. Your turn to beat it on feral, BIG man!

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