Mage Tower should come back once a year for a week

Removing rewards is a predatory practice, just like in-game lootboxes.


No, because if you get to have something you want that will ruin my experience. Or something.

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Quoting this because it seems direly forgotten as of late.


No it is not. The point behind this is stating a basic truth.

We, as a player base, were informed off rip that this was time sensitive. Players then chose in one form or another to act upon that. They either went forth and got what they wanted, as I did. Or they did not.

People who were not playing then are not somehow an exception to the rule either. If I am told something is time sensitive and being sold for a limited time, then because Jimmy next door doesn’t know that or follow that information does not make that information any less true.

My accomplishment does not influence the basic truth in that when we as a player base are told something, it should remain fact, and not be gone back on because other people are annoyed they didn’t get something, or they missed out.

Bottom line - we were told, the information readily available, and emails sent out that the mage tower was time sensitive. People had over a year to do it. We knew off rip it would be going away. It should remain away.


You quoting some guy that the vast majority of us don’t agree with…what did you think that would accomplish?


It’s pixels on a screen not a physical object lmao. The time sensitive limited bs is made up.


brrrr my clan have diff opinion from your clan grrrrr

If it’s made up, why isn’t the Mage Tower still up?

Entitled Human Male Paladin. Next.

As someone who did the vast majority, I’d say the issue isn’t that people could earn the skins. It’s that they’d require lots of retuning because as you said some specs have changed a lot. If they are going to come back what them special was the challenge of them. Wouldn’t want it watered down

brrrr my clan uses their brains grrrr.

All the triggered grinches crawling out of their holes to make sure fun is still not allowed. Next.

No it’s not. Every elite mog is time sensitive and specific to the season it comes out in. Every PVE challenge such as CM elite mogs and mage towers were told to be time sensitive off rip. You can go back and collect 99% of this game. The 1% you cannot were things we were told were going away as a means of preserving some form of prestige among the player base.

And that’s okay. That’s good. We should have more things like that. Not less.

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I’d like to step in here and mention to everyone reading this that Blizz hasn’t said anything in SL is time sensitive yet.


And it’d have to be completely revamped in order for it to be a challenge now.

New stuff. Not old.

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I didn’t say they did. I was speaking on the Mage Towers.

bruh moment

Are you new to the forums? Never heard of the whole male human paladin thing?

One day I’m going to get around to researching this, I don’t believe we were, I think we were told some time later but I haven’t felt like searching through posts yet, but one day, one day realm maintenance is going to be 8 hours and I’m going to remember and go look :rofl:

Just like your money in your bank account, it doesn’t actually exist for real. It’s just a bunch of pixel that everyone agrees has value.

Anyway, like you said, it’s just pixels on a screen, grow up and put another xmog, why you have to ruin the feeling of accomplishment of other players.