Mage Tower Reward Purge Underway

While we’re on the subject of Mage Tower timewalking, is the next one coming up in six weeks?


Zooms by on spelltome

Oh hey.


I have a confession to make. I didn’t even bother trying the mage tower last time it was up. I was busy with pet battle achievements.


You accomplished more than 97% who gave MT a go.

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I stopped doing LFR on my Mt. Dew Chad bears bc it’s apparently “sus” if you’re not geared and got the skin :woman_shrugging:t3::teddy_bear:

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Logging in to Oribos tomorrow is going to be real interesting.

I wonder how many less spelltomes and felbears there will be standing around in that “common” circular area on the first floor

Takes note of obnoxious players who claimed it was super easy

Interesting to see whose rewards are mysteriously gone.


Nice, they should also de-level all the people who buy carries.

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Even without knowing for sure whether a specific poster/player got suspended for this, you can get a pretty good idea by checking their armory achievements page.

A certain forum poster’s achievements tab shows 7/7 towers completed in an unusually fast time… say, within 24-48 hours from 1/7 to 7/7? Either they’re secretly a god at playing the game, or (more likely) they got pilot-boosted

Now, if someone got their 7/7 over the course of a few weeks (say… 1/7 on December 8 and 7/7 on December 26), there’s less suspicion there/they probably earned it legit

I especially like the ones who had achievements pop on the same day, but claimed they did it over a two-week period and that they’re super casual, showing how Mage Tower is easy and everyone just needs to press buttons to win.


I had to see a shrink, chain smoke every 10 mins and listen to lots of FFDP for Guardian.

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I call this every Tuesday but without the Guardian part.


By fire be purged!


my reaction

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Never saw Vince so happy that the smackdown is being laid down on some candy behind.


It was a rough couple of evenings trying for me… by a couple I mean 2 weeks of evenings…
A well earned MtDew felbear hulkboy is worth making them look at :grin: