Mage tower overtuned

It’s not that it is over tuned, it’s just not tuned for our classes and specs now and as you noted, we no longer have legendary items. Our classes have changed so much over 2 expansions and without the same borrowed powers it just makes it harder.

The main issue is that some of our Legion Artifact spells are now base line, so we are basically losing talents and that alone makes us weaker. But importantly our legendaries are missing. The worst part is that we can no longer just get a higher iLVL and stronger weapons. Our 4 piece tier set should help somewhat, but without being able to use our current legendary items it’s a huge chunk of missing power.

Now that it is permanent they just need to re-assess the whole thing and re-tune it for each expansion based on what our specs are now and what our borrowed powers are.

I done the bear challenge in the first couple of days pre-nerf, but I have been tanking a lot and know the spec inside out, and yeh I finished that, sold all my crap and just gave up on the rest.

And before anyone comes here and says we are wrong, what happened in the aftermath of the last MT? A ban wave because people cheated due to how hard it is.


Mage Tower back for round three of forum posts.

I feel so vindicated reading this.

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Should I jump on an unused retail character that isn’t easily tied to any other characters and alts like yourself? Would that make me not scared anymore?

I couldn’t imagine equating a real life emotion to a video game forum. You might want to go outside for a while.

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It’s not overtuned, you are just undertuned!

It would show your account wide achievements unless of course it’s a separate bnet, or you’re actually an EU player like I am… But if you were, you probably wouldn’t have made a very specific level 10 (min level) for Classic to post on. :3

Take your own advice, given your name.

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The tuning is pretty bad, and its a bit weird in some places. Just for context I’ve done all 36 in legion and i’ve done 17/36 in tw so far, and will probably slowly do more but I don’t wanna buy junk or make sets for it so it’ll be slow, and because of this I have a decent understanding of the mage tower in legion and now.

Like the healing challenge for example, in legion I pretty distinctly remember having more health then the adds even in nighthold and some of my earliest mage tower completions were on this monk for mw and ww. In legion timewalking our npc party has more health then us and our heals barely are at a level of power where you can’t really top them off if they are all low at the same time without buying serious time and probably using a healing cooldown or three. It is different by healer though.

The first timewalking magetower I did was holy paladin which is absolutely the easiest healing challenge for book mount. Your heals felt like heals, for some reason holy shock alone was allowed to almost fill a health bar, you could do p1 fairly easily between having solid and fast healing options and just being able to shut down everything with stuns, turn evil(which wasn’t in legion), and the mass disorient talent for double fan of knives. the guantlet wasn’t bad, and as a common theme p5 with the healing ghosts is far easier then it was in legion. But p1 and other phases are varying levels of suffering for every other healer in comparison, in particular holy priest.

On every healer I where I got to p5 I would clear p5 without prog most of the time not even popping cds unlike in legion where I remember heroing, popping int pots, and having a cooldown rotation while having to watch my allies like a hawk because they could legitimately kill each other in that phase.

The final phase is also weird, in legion I don’t remember ever coming close to filling the room entirely, but in tw mage tower for both shaman and paladin I had a full green room on some attempts and the kills. Resto druid was an exception where the p2 gauntlet actually was capable of timing me out, on my kill for r druid I completed the gauntlet with 0 seconds remaining, only making it because my quatum device used to execute the inquisitor at the end scored a crit for 2k damage. And also unlike the other 2 final phases that I’ve done for r shaman and holydin, r druid finished with room to spare despite no drums and low damage.

The tuning being weird isn’t unique to the healing challenges either, and its bizzarre to me that they made the mage tower undeniably at a level on par or harder then its ever been in legion but still cut out the rewards as if doing the new challenge would devalue the old ones, when currently its tuned to a level where earning it in legion is its own reward, because then you wouldn’t have to do it now.


So you pay for a second wow sub just to troll and insult other players on the forums?

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Ah, someone that doesn’t know. A sub for either EU or US covers posting for both forums, as for your accusations that seems to be yourself paying to do those things including harassment and alt hopping.


At least you can see evidence that I play the game. Or are you going to ignore all evidence that doesn’t agree with you’re opinion as the almighty god of your own reality?


As previously stated you’re free to post on the EU forums, but just like Snoz you don’t actually own up to your words. All bark and no bite, as they say. :wink:

I haven’t paid anything for a NA sub, but as usual you’re a ‘rules for thee but not for me’ when it comes to evidence and stats. But keep wiggling out of the rest of the posts! :3

That may be, yet you are level 50. The free trial stops at level 20. Unless the single sub works for a full account in both regions, you payed for a 2nd sub on NA.


Honestly, I think a good compromise would be when Legion Timewalking is up, “emulate” the effect of the artifacts overcharging, with a temporary buff to us or nerf to the bosses.

This retains the challenge most of the year for people who want it and for 2-3 weeks a year, it gives the rest of us a more reasonable chance to get the rewards.

And if people complain that takes away the prestige of the book mount? Simple. Make it so kills done during this window can’t contribute to that achievement’s credit.


Problem is that some of those are really easy, some are a fair challenge and some of them are actually still overtuned. Some of them were not adjusted to the different talents and missing artifact powers and sth like the Holy Priest challenge got buffed and it just didn’t feel right.
I did manage to get my appearance in December, but not with my main spec and I just think some challenges could get some changes without ruining it. There is a lot of space between “Crazy difficult and overtuned” and “So easy everyone can do it with closed eyes”.

Just because some specs had it very easy it doesn’t mean that everything is tuned fine and I think it’s also not fair that some specs/classes got it handed to them while others are struggling.

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This is exactly it.

There are numerous people who claim to have cleared Mage Tower challenges in 7.2 or 7.3 in world content gear, but can’t do it now in appropriate Shadowlands or legacy gear. This is despite people knowing the encounter mechanics (and hopefully their class toolkits) better now.

This is the overall design philosophy of Shadowlands, to make people grind longer for the same thing to stretch out content and assets, and to make both power-related and cosmetic rewards more exclusive.

You think you’re done when you earned your Conquest set? No, you’ve got to earn rating now and farm Honor to upgrade every last piece multiple times.

You thought Keystone Master was too easy in 9.0? Here, let’s double the number of +15s you need to time in 9.1, and add in four more to that in 9.2.

You wanna be casual? The original Anima grind in 9.0 was estimated to take years to earn every last reward, before Anima became more plentiful.

This expansion has the least amount of content of any WoW expansion, yet requires you to repeat it more times than ever.

I have been to the Mage Tower a couple of times since it reopened, and didn’t see a single other player. The general WoW population knows that the encounters are still too overtuned for them and they can’t do anything to outgear them.

It was the hardcore players who suggested to make the encounters permanent rather than properly tune them, and the devs were all too happy to oblige the only audience that matters to them.

The TW mage tower was tuned for zero borrowed power so that it can remain evergreen and they don’t have to retune it every expansion.

It’s as hard as they want it to be. “Overtuned” implies that it was a mistake. It wasn’t. It’s supposed to be this hard. Completing a mage tower challenge is supposed to be the crowning achievement for solo play, a sort of badge of honor for complete mastery of your class and spec. That just wouldn’t be true if they tuned them down.


And where are those people? People who cleared it in 7.3 with Antorus gear had much much easier time. Mage Tower was tuned for 7.2.

I’ve cleared a Holy Priest in 7.2 and I was banging my head against a wall. Doing a Kitty challenge in 7.3 was a breeze.

And let’s not forget that some classes/specs have (had) a much easier time than others, regardless of gear.

And yet we have numerous people who did complete it. Including one guy who cleared it on every single class/spec on a trial character…

Mage Tower was never intended for “general” population…

Mage Tower IS properly tuned. There are some issues with gear scaling but that’s not specifically a MT problem.

I wouldn’t go as far as “hardcore”…MT was meant for people who like a proper challange. It was never meant to be “tuned” to a level where everyone can go in and get a free mount/xmog.

In other words, make the challenges 7.3-difficulty faceroll? Gotcha :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Also, the whole reason casuals/GD’ers are even bothering with Mage Tower is specifically for the rewards (bear skin, book mount, etc). If you take away credit towards those things a lot of people just won’t do it. Your idea definitely wouldn’t go over well with most players.

Anyways, I already got everything I wanted (bear skin, book mount, etc) back in December so I haven’t been back in there. Might go back for some T20 mogs I don’t have, but no rush now since it’s up permanently. I assume it hasn’t changed in terms of difficulty since December, but the challenge seemed “about right” last time minus 1 or 2 specs like Holy Priest.


Is it back for good this time?

Because I would like to do it but am not willing to piecemeal it at any pace but my own.

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As far as anyone knows it’s back permanently. But this is Blizz so who knows if it will be up past this season.