Mage tower overtuned

If you did it on 4/4/17, then the WCL character post you made was a lie.

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You claimed that anyone saying it was fine didn’t actually do it early enough in Legion. I am evidence that your claim is false. I did it on day 1 in Legion and I think it’s fine. I’m not necessarily saying that I am the deciding factor. But I objectively tank your argument.

I did not, I said I noticed a trend. I didn’t say “All people” or anything else, since you want to be disingenuous goodbye.

I find you obsession with this “trend” strange.

Its rather meaningless.

You use it like an appeal to authority.

If you think checking achievements really disregards someone’s points, I’m not sure where to go from here.

You can’t win. This thing is known to operate under the assumption that them stating their opinion as fact is the ultimate argument, and renders all others invalid. You’re welcome to try.

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Oh, yes, they nerfed the orb/blizzard cdr. I wonder how it feels now, because I remember it being super relaxed and very fun when the tower was last out because you’d just get infinite orbs and procs once the adds were up.

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Well, I’m inherently winning by being correct, so there’s that. I probably won’t try to much more though. He/she/it is pretty intellectually dishonest, and that is not something I enjoy engaging with.

Imagine pretending that “noticing a trend” doesn’t imply what I thought they were implying.

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You can check my achievements. Also did it the first time it was available. Aside from holy priest, most have felt appropriate. They’re a challenge, but not insurmountable.

Holy priest on the other hand was completely off base
 When you have some of the best priests in the world struggling, ya that may be a bit of an issue. Having said that
 I still managed it in the end, so still not technically impossible. Particularly after it got nerfed.

I really want Bliz nerf the Twins for balance druids it is really hard imo harder than Sp frost mages or locks. The fight is full of RNG for the bad druid spells for pushing back enemies or interrupting them. At least they should low the casting time of the hands.

RNG, however, is always a big deal.


If you don’t get those trinkets within 3-4 difficulties, sure. I can imagine that being frustrating. But it is doable without them as well. Do they make the fight significantly easier? Yes. Can you do it without? Yes. There’s no time constraints anymore though so there’s no pressure.

That’s a good way to look at it!

Edit: Well! I just got my seed pod from LFR just now! Hooray!


I disagree, sometimes the loss of tools we had makes it harder, other times the changes make it easier.

Example: Having odyns fury for Agatha was great in legion, but having a baseline slow for affliction right now is much better than what we had.

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I walked into my BM challenge. Died twice because the incoming damage was ridiculous. Gave the tower NPC a rude gesture and moved on with my life. I don’t have the time or desire for that level of stress. Even in Legion before I got my legendary pants which made it faceroll I was able to survive longer than that. I also felt like I could make a meaningful dent in the boss’ HP for my efforts. All mine is now is a bullet sponge.

This is the hardest thing to accept I think. The SL mage tower will never be a 1:1 comparison to legions. Over BFA and now SL our toolkits have changed enough that everyone will have to adapt to the new strats and challenges. I wish more people spent their time adapting to the new tower instead of hoping for the old

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If you can’t do it that’s fine. Not every piece of content has to be done by every player. That’s OK.

If you want to have something to work towards then great. Go give it a shot.

It’s not that complicated

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I feel the same, did the mage tower back when it opened on my dk (ToS patch) and it wasnt this diff. We had 1 leggo, baseline skills that are removed now to talents (gargo/unholy frenzy), artefact traits, abo pet’s hook. Anyway, this is all a class design problem. Classes are designed around borrewed powers and without any of them some classes/specs feels cluncky.
Blizzard, u have beeing doing a really poor job. Resubbed just to play this content and figured out its is s***t. Just unistalled the game and wont come back, your poor design just pisses me off.

Yeah. Mage tower is WAY overtuned and needs a big nerf. I remember doing it before it went away the first time and it was never as hard as it is now. I definitely agree that it’s because we no longer have the borrowed power that we use to. It’s honestly insane and needs a competent team to look at it.

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