Well, there’s killing the icicles (procs victory rush), playing impeneding, and then cycling kicks and reflects on his casts to stop damage long enough for second wind to proc.
At least, that’s how I think I did it. The first phase was fine as you can just leap/bs the wall, but the second phase is kind of tight on damage.
the ravaged seed pod from the first boss in legion emerald nightmare blows the adds up on a 1 min CD and the 2nd is a toss up. you can go with the mechagon trinket, the eye of sethe from the WoD raid or a defensive one. I used blood splattered scale to help with the later annihilates
I’m an overachiever that likes to challenge myself.
No, I also didn’t have to do it 300 times though. Nor did I have to spend that much money or time. I think I spent around 2k gold in total on two flasks, a few pots, some enchants, and drums.
Why are you doing it if you think the transmog is stupid?
Maybe you skipped over it… But when you quoted my reply to akadruid. He said he farmed the two ideal trinkets and other gear. The seed and the one from a dungeon which is commonly used. And still got 4 infernals and 5 smashes. Which is when I replied that he is messing up and you then quoted me.
I’m not the one arguing that the current version is all fine and dandy, and that people should just ‘git gud’ am I? Nope. You are, your claims to verify, further avoiding the forum filter nice.
Got mine far earlier than yours, weird isn’t it?
Some did. There was that one potion that stacked, Lightsomething or the other. Plus, in 7.3 people had much higher ilvl overall so of course. Outgear it and ignore some mechanics.
Nope, still more related to gear and finding ways to cheese it that you just try to sweep under the rug and go ‘nuh uh it’s ALL About skill and that’s why I did it with this and this gear set I farmed for…’
Yes, I’m sure mythic raiders are all in the mythic raid world first and all in Timewalking gear or old gear and gear does not increase your DPS or survivability.
Pointing out things you have or haven’t done =/= personal attacks. But hey, still misgendering. More against you as usual, as well as those that liked your post.
Someone attempting to mock me and evade ignore for ongoing harassment, probably. Which is why you hide and alt hop. :3
Even more evidence of the side that can’t verify their claims but always resort to attacks and spam posts.
Sigryn is definitely a challenge that is far more about the mechanics than the dps check I found. Only hard part is the execute phase really so I imagine many will find their classes to be easy on it. Ret just has the benefit to being able to bubble during execute when things become a cluster and you can assure the mechanics are done instead of being overwhelmed.
Yeah, that’s what I did. The only slightly iffy bit was maybe reaching the soak spots while dodging the valkyr which could be kind of hard to eyeball at times, but I also don’t play ret, so I was tunneling into abilities.
This is my one and only character. I imagine it was frustrating when you attempted to look me up and try to figure out if I was someone else.
I’m sorry to have used your own words against you, but the opportunity was one I couldn’t pass up. You bring a lot of the drama that revolves around you upon yourself.