Mage Tower is too hard and needs to be nerfed!

that’s right, people like you need a place in the game. WoW is for everyone.


It is too hard though.


Wow, way to discriminate against poor people. smh


I wasn’t around during the mage tower days. I’m anxious to try it and wanna know how it compares in difficulty to five starring layer 12 or TC 18 floors solo in Torghast.

As a person on the autism spectrum who has difficulty following directions and is legally blind due to glaucoma and central serous retinopathy, I appreciate that.


I think there should be an endgame for all three branches of player, casual PvE, hardcore PvE and those other people.

Something like a solo tower is a great endgame option for casual PvE because not needing a group is the epitome of “on your schedule”

It should be tough enough that it feels rewarding to have beaten, but not “60% of players who attempted this got stonewalled until they gave up”

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If it has the snapshots sure. The healer ones and the affliction one was in my mind the worst ones. Blood DK was probably better than prot for sure.

But yeah it’ll be a bit I think before they come back in full force with mogs.

Precomplaining about complaining.


Heroic Forums, where you gotta precomplain before an issue to stay on meta.


Hard disagree with this. The point of any game is to unwind and relax. I couldn’t care less about being challenged or difficulty.


Oof. I mean it’s not like you could have known. But still, oof.

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‘‘I only like one type of content and don’t want others to get content I dislike’’


I think EverQuest nailed it personally. Plane of Fear could not be broken without a good group to zone in and break the patrols so the rest of the raid could enjoy it. It had some challenging aspects but was otherwise manageable. IF the break in group sucked the raid would fail to all the swarming patrols.

So basically a 1/5th rule works. If you have some elite players then everyone has a good time. That sort of approach is the MMORPG approach.

You five starred layer 12? Wow, that’s super impressive! I’m pretty sure you’ll find the new tower a cakewalk.

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Nope. People who want to be challenged already have m+ and mythic raiding. Not everything should be about the challenge. The vast majority of content in the game should be completable by the entire player base.


Well, it is actually.


Can’t wait for the complaints on the healer challenges. “Why do I have to keep the NPC’s alive? OMG my DPS isn’t hard enough?!”


Lmao yeah I forgot that the majority of the solo content in-game was challenging. My bad.

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Not every piece of content should be gutted because people are incapable of doing the easiest mechanic of them all aka moving your character and not clicking.

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That ability was such garbage though. Spell reflect was the main thing to win then.