Maybe. Some people just need to take that much time to learn the muscle memory. It’s not necessarily that they’re doing it wrong, just figuring it out at a slower pace.
This. This needs to be more emphasized. it’s ok to take it a long time if it takes that long to get it. That’s the point here. We should always try to be encouraging but not put people down.
Yeah that seems excessive… I finished all the healer ones and Holy Priest took the longest and still less than 30 attempts for that…
well the gear is not the problem. farming all the odds and end trinkets etc. is not helping and spending 100k on potions jewels etc is not the answer.
the overtuning (which you will not admit, you say it’s ok) is the mob casting speeds and alloted reaction times. giving only a .3 second window to interrupt something is a bit much as far as tuning… infernals casting and you move and they immediately cast again is overtuned. only 1 infernal was up. he knocked me and then knocked me again. yes i’m angry, almost to the point of taking another 1-3 year break from wow
OP I posted my own take on the fight here:
If you can’t get it down to at least 20-30%, consumables won’t help you. They’re for when you finally got it. Also my DK’s gear got switched, but only thing of note is nightmare pod and you don’t even need it, it just makes it easier. Ask questions and we’ll try to help you.
OP’s complaining about the Agatha challenge, where you only have to interrupt Agatha herself, and only IF her channel is chunking you.
He’s 95% likely just not cleaving the imps…
To be fair, Unholy is the hardest for Agatha. On fire mage the imp servants are one shottable, but on Unholy you have to asphyxiate one and death grip the other. It’s a lot more attention to detail and is much, much harder.
Btw if you are struggling throughput-wise a very cheap way to get some timewalking gear for mage tower is to do Mythic SoO. My Priest got 9 items in a single run.
I also used my Garry Heirloom Staff so if you have one of those for your class that can be helpful too. In total 16 sockets and I put +3 Int gems in 14 of them and +6 and +7 gem in my staff as well. So along with those gems and gem bonuses like 60 more Intellect which was huge and pushed her over 400 intellect.
But this won’t help with execution, you still need to do the mechanics.
It boggles my mind that people are doing this. If you’re burning through consumables that fast, you’re over using them compared to your progress level in mastering the fight.
The timing isn’t an issue. You need to consider your dbm alerts as a backup only, and know the basic timing of the various casts. Learn to recognize them as they’re happening. If you’re talking about the eyes, moon beam them and they die. If they’re still alive and casting, look straight at them and you won’t get knocked off. When the infernals spawn, circle the boss and they won’t hit you. You need to practice the right moves more.
Use Wild Charge to mitigate this if it happens, but you shouldn’t even be getting close to hit by this in the first place.
Then you don’t have the right mindset for this challenge.
WoW 2021 in a nutshell. They have stopped caring about learning boss ques to certain attacks and solely depend on DBM instead to guide them along the way. If DBM stopped working one day, players would flop over and die because they forgot how to learn bosses the proper way.
maybe, but it doesn’t change that this challenge is completely about killing ads.
Some people just tunnel vission and don’t realize they are playing wrong.
Also, yes, you can one-shot the imps as fire, but you lose a lot of DPS, so she always ends up close to enrage or at enrage. It is a challenge regardless.
I’ve completed all 3 for mage, and they were all very similar difficulty as the Legion version. If anything, the Twins were easier because now Freezing rain is a talent.
Yes, they feel overtuned in terms of numbers, but rotations are simpler now than they were in Legion.
47 attempts isnt very many. Like at all.
I agree that certain challenges are way too difficult, but this is certainly not one of them. You likely won’t get much sympathy after failing a handful of attempts on one of the “easier” challenges.
yeah ok there.
Resto shams and bear druids.
True for some challenges. Not true for all challenges.
I only did RShaman post nerf because i was busy the original week of MT was it really that hard? I found it to be hard but fair and did it around 13 attempts.
Bull Rush racial for Highmountian was crazy though as an extra stun for the double Soilders in Wave 4 in P1.
Sounds like someone doesn’t know mechanics… or what the eyes do.
I was away from the forum a week and people are still whining about this? Even post-nerf? GD, lol.
Having an extra stun would trivialize the hardest part of the fight. Without an extra stun, yes… it really is that hard. After phase 1 it’s not too bad, and there’s actually only one spot where it’s super sketchy. Most people, myself included have trouble with the 4th wave.
Agatha wasnt nerfed.
Didnt need to be, but coming in here with this kind of post considering… lol