Mage tower is overtuned

this mage tower version really an truely shows how incompatent the devs truely are… 47 deaths on agatha and countless gear combo’s and still can’t down it…

ill try this crap version again when blizzard figures out how to downscale people so it actually works instead of this crap we have now ehre you gotta farm outdated content to abuse the scaling that is super broken…

INB4 the blizzard isnt doing anything wrong things are fine crowd… yo defending this hawt mess is the problem an couple that with clueless devs and alas here we are…fed up with this indie company crap…


No its not, you simply don’t have the patience for it. This is what is called a challenge, not a cake walk like you want it to be. You wouldn’t have survived day 1 release of mage tower in Legion, you would have cried along with the rest of the people on here.


Only 47 and you’re already calling it? Seems like 1-4 hundred is pretty common.


A quick google search tells me that this is a dancing contest where everyone is rewarded cake at the end. My question is what genius came up with this and WHERE can I sign up!?


Over tuned for who?

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Its extremely difficult in basic SL gear and would be considered overtuned if that was a template we used. The tuning is tight, but with timewalking gear? it’s 100% doable and fair…

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That’s nothing…


Do you think coming in here and calling the devs ‘incompatent’ and clueless is going to affect any sort of positive change? Do you have any productive suggestions on how to make it better? No?


Only 47?

Yeah mate, I’m pretty sure you’re just salty because you don’t know what you’re doing wrong and how to change it, whether it be execution or gear.

no i would have other choice words for blizzard right now. the friggen mobs cast stuff i get a dbm warning and *as i get the warning * i’m already flying off the platform with zero time to react. zero.

Guardian Druid? You definitely have time.

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learn to read idiot

So it’s a situational awareness issue that you’re solely relying on DBM to tell you about?

All I’m seeing here is 'mad ‘cuz bad.’

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Unholy DK? Unholy was the toughest for Agatha, ngl.

How far are you getting? What’s your average DPS? What’s your hardest mechanic? Where do you fail?

all i’m seeing is lack of people skills / basic social skills and instead of offering actual help tells people they are wrong, bad, unskilled etc. meanwhile you assume you are perfect.

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I’m guessing he’s having trouble with add management and order of operations. That’s what the fight is, more than a dps race.

And somehow your posts were okay? You might want to take a look back at how salty you’ve been since your first post in here. :slight_smile:

Something tells me you have no idea what irony is.

No, I just assume I’m willing to look at this challenge for what it is, accept it’s hard, go in with patience, and learn from my failures, rather than blame the game.


seriously? up to 400?

At that point, you know you are doing something utterly wrong.

The challenges are overtuned, but doable. You are most likely not killing the imps fast enough. Save your CD’s for cleave or you’ll never get it done.