Mage Tower: Harder Than Original, No Original Rewards


ur doing it for the copium false nostalgia (no one gave 2 tuaren patties about mage tower until 7.2 when u can outgear it and have 2 leggos) so hope u enjoy 0 leggos 0 legion artifact bonuses and 0 SL abilities :smiley: so fun


It is interesting how it highlights everything wrong with the borrowed power systems, at least


But then the people who got those rewards would cry to the heavens about how unfair it is their ā€œsuper specialā€ transmogs arenā€™t ā€œsuper specialā€ anymore.

Did you think a company that made the requirement from completing every mythic+ dungeon one time on +15 to essentially requiring you to do it two times on fortified and tyrannical for only a recolored mount the same as season 1, would do anything besides let you down? AND then removed the account wide achievement and made it so each alt must get a certain rating to upgrade their gear? Destroyed alts for me right there alone.

I had no hopes for mage tower when it was first announced and I was proved right. The only thing that would have made the masses (those who donā€™t have the old artifact appearances) would be to bring back those appearances. Something unique that can only be done once in a great while. Anyone can farm tier 20 anytime.

Recolors, woopty doo.

Flying book, woopty doo.


I wonder how those same people felt when toilet paper was a timed exclusive last year.


Steamroll? No.

Iā€™m pretty sure no one was expecting it to be harder than it was in Legion.


I donā€™t know if it is. My assumption is they tuned it to Heroic Tomb gear without any legendaries to boost ilvl. But Iā€™m not sure.

And, although it may be harder, we have infinite attempts.

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No. We would cry that they didnā€™t give us any reason to do the MT again, effectively killing the return of a beloved piece of content for anyone that played legion

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It highlights everything wrong when the development team consistently restricts items that were current content at the time for being used.


We canā€™t use the SL borrowed powers for it and the Legion ones it was built around are not enabled .

Itā€™s like going into it like we just got to Dalaran and havenā€™t even done our Artifact weapon quest yet and are having to do it .


I agree with you there. Made it on characters that had no m+/raid gear and just world quest stuff. Thatā€™s what I think of when it comes to ā€œsoloā€ challenges. This MT just feels like a complete mess. I know there are real go-getters out there that blows through this MT like itā€™s nothing using all the tricks that has little to do with the encounters themselves.


He gets a lot of bites though, which kind of makes it entertaining :laughing: If anyone deserves a little forum vaca it is him though. For the way he constantly belittles people in threads anyways.

its over tunned becuase we dont have access to legion legendaries and it was designed around around legion legendaries.

They didnt get the tuning on point considering the fact it was designed for legion classes not shadowland classes with no borrowed pwoer what so ever


Knew this would happen the second it was gonna be scaled ilvl


The original mage tower wasnā€™t this difficult. As a tank i donā€™t remember the arcane ads doing this much damage, and I believe they didnā€™t move when they casted nether storm


It looks like they really want me to spend gold on Timewalking gear.

If thereā€™s enough people to really say something negative about the Mage Tower TW, maybe we can hope that Blizz will get a clue and allow us to use our Artifact Weapons and Legion Legendaries as they were meant to be used for that former content.

And thatā€™s a BIG maybe. Knowing them, theyā€™re probably just laughing at all of us while we keep wiping and spending a sh*t ton of gold for food, flasks, pots, and repairs.

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Dunno how they could do that since you canā€™t level those weapons anymore, unless they just maxed everyoneā€™s out I guess.

Yes? I would like to steamroll unchanged five year old content. That is accurate.


thats cuz your runs are filled with people +20ilvs above you