What’s the max level and ilvl for MT?
EDIT: Nevermind, just tried it on Kaz here. Got my face smashed in. I should really reset my account or something to remove the MT artifact appearances I got back in Legion because clearly I don’t deserve any of them.

Galactic Guardian, Moonfire Focused Build. With the Balance Tazavesh Trinket for Procs on Moonfire ticks and applications. You also want the increased range talents from the class tree under the boomkin line. Vulnerable Flesh and Tooth and Claw. But Only use Maul on the Procs. Pool Rage in P2 for Iron Fur Dumps. And with Thorns of Iron, You deal damage by using your mitigation.

On P1 you have to dance in an out of the circle around Varis. I usually go out at 4 stacks and moonfire spam everything.
When the nether terror things spawn, they will head right for you. Hit em with a thrash, then swipe, then when they all start to cast, incap roar them. Then finish em off with swipe. If they stary to pulse, you are dead. If they pulse on Velen, he is dead and challenge is over.

In P1 you take like no damage if you do the mechanics. Also you want to kill Varis quick enough in order to get to P2 with only ONE infernal up. It makes P2 much easier.

In P2, You want to Ironfur x3 The first Annihilate. Second one You want to use an orb as he is casting it. Then he will start to cast again after the stun comes off. This one you Survival Instincts. Same process with the 3rd one. Stun it, then Ironfur x2 + Barkskin. Then for the third one, you want to delay the cast with as many stun orbs as you got. Stun him with whatever stun you got. (Tauren Helps) Everything you can to push back the cast. Then Iron fur at 2+ stacks, Rage of the Sleeper, and Last charge of Survival instincts because you arent going to live the 4th. He should be dead or nearly dead at this point.

Kruul also has a cast that you have to interrupt EVERY TIME or he heals and you wont live through the annihilates.

You still have to save incap roar for the nether horrors. You have to wait till they cast before you incap them to interrupt.

Dont be stingy with Orb Use in P3.

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The mobs have 1.5m, 1.2m and 1m health. Yep totally free. /s

Video shows the main guy should have 250k hp, so bugged and impossible.

Edit: Probably not bugged after checking the other classes, but I still maintain it is not free.

Video is from SL when the scaling was lower in Mage Tower (players were ilvl 50 and not ilvl 120 like now).

No, just check the date.

seems nearly impossible for the lock atm, if someone can tell how they did that would be great, seems incredibility overturned right now. Health pool and damage is incredibly high, no matter how well i do the mechanics i cant heal through the damage overtime.


I feel so empty getting it because it was so easy.

I stopped trying after hundreds of attempts last time. You won’t lure me back. Plus my druid is only like 63 right now and I have no interest in leveling her to 70 right now.

There was an exploit for the aff lock one back in Legion and SL that everybody used to get it. It’s patched now, so rip.

Well now is your chance. Blizz nerfed bears from a solid B- tier to a C tier while almost completely ignoring S+ tier warriors. Wouldn’t surprise me if they nerfed bears again. Perhaps by making maul have a 10% chance to cause resurrection sickness on the bear. Yeah that would work. Get on it Blizz

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No thanks. I lost enough sanity trying.

Same for fury war one

Can anyone tell me how to cheese the healer one? And what healer is best? I suck at healing and the npcs are dumb as nails. Its the only reason I don’t try for book mount.

The weapon appearances are long gone. The current rewards are mogs, and IF you beat all 7 mage tower challenges, you get a flying book mount.

As someone that did all of the MT’s that I cared to do in Legion, what’s the point of doing them now? What’s the reward other than the felbear for Guardians?

Complete ALL 7 MT challenges for :

Also 4 recolors of TOS set mogs.

Ooooooohh. Thanks. Might have to get it.

Good luck, you can’t “skip” any challenge for it, that means healing or otherwise if you don’t play that role. But you only have to do it once, meaning do the healer challenge in 1 healer spec, then kruul on 1 tank spec, etc. You don’t have to do the healing/tank/dps challenges on every spec/class.

Because Illidan’s weapons are meant for DHs, not anyone else. Also at the time we had BARELY anything to mog to warglaive-wise. We also had to farm both warglaives on 1 char(weekly lockout), get achievement, then kill timewalker illidan.

It must be faceroll to be 10-12 attempts or they’re a sweat who lives and breathes this game and they’re seasoned from playing night and day? Or gear bonuses from DF are enabled and shouldn’t be during the encounter?

This is why I always agreed with time sensitive events. When the MT was designed, Hunters had legendary pants that healed you if you stood still. There was also a necklace that gave you a small shield. It was enough to help with that challenge as long as you knew how to play the class.

With both of those legendaries disabled, you need more than knowledge of your class, now you have to be really freaking good at it. Hats off to people with the spell book mount.

Since Blizzard isn’t bringing back the weapon appearances anyways, the armor sets and mount should have been Torghast rewards. In DF they should create a new “tower” challenge with new rewards.

So not only do they want you to try and complete 6 year old trash content, they removed the original rewards and put in some a$$ mount?

What a failure.

That happens if one of your NPC allies dies. It’s most obvious in the healer challenge if one of your party members die but it will happen in the tank challenge if Velen dies. Usually the reason that happens is because you let the little Shadowfiend adds slap him with Netherstorm. He’ll die basically instantly if that happens.