So why then can an entire class not enter content that has already been made?

I’m not requesting a unique encounter be made, or a new transmog set, hell my suggestion for a reward was literally just an animation that already exists.

Why are you so utterly opposed to all classes having equal access to content?

Wait it is permanent? I dont have to feel like I need to grind it all out before next tuesday patch?

I’ll do it once they bring back all the legion skins. For now it’s just a waste of time.

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Yeah, the returning Mage tower was originally part of Legion Timewalking, but massive player outcry at how limited the access time was for relatively challenging content (as well as the fact that they were in a “give the players what they want” mindset due to the content drought and the fact that the playerbase was let’s say “unhappy” with the state of Shadowlands), they decided to make it permanently open a few weeks after the first Legion Timewalking event

So there is going to be a million legion throw up chadbears everywhere now?

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Drac’thyr should just get a self-flight mode, tying it to MT is dumb.

The MT encounters are balanced per spec and it’s not worth the dev time to go engineer a challenge that you and maybe three other people would bother doing.


Here’s the answer. And its a legitimate answer.

The encounters were never made for evoker or their kits. Evokers don’t get in mage tower. There are several other classes for this LEGACY content that is spec specific. If you remember Legion was very class centric. Could you point me in the direction of the Evoker Class hall from legion? Bueller?


And the entire warglaives from illidan is a horrible argument. Illidan is a Demon HUnter. DEmon HUnters use warglaives. Demon hunters should be able to use warglaives of azzinoth.

Where does it stop for you? SHould we add a tier set for every previous raid for Evokers next??

STOP. Evokers aren’t part of the mage tower.

Well, it doesn’t hurt to dream.

DH has wanted this since legion… and so far… ?
Worgen have wanted tails since Cata… and so far…?

The original mage tower was also made for kits that don’t exist in the current game. Blizzard’s gone back and rebalanced the MT (to a degree) so it’s able to be doable in WoW’s current iteration.

If it’s meant to be an evergreen feature, then I wouldn’t be surprised if evoker and additional future classes get added in, in time.

I mean PREvoker already could be put into the healer challenge, it’s only DEvoker that’s a toss up on which encounter would suit it best.


I doubt they’ll make them harder. The guardian one didn’t take me many attempts compared to when I did it back in Legion, but I randomly tried a couple others and they don’t seem particularly easy.

In Legion I did every single mage tower as every single spec as every single class. Some I did towards the end in catch up gear. Havoc DH (on an alt that got to 70 and haven’t played since) seemed awful. Feral druid didn’t seem easy. Of course I had no idea how to play those specs which was probably an issue.

Maybe it’s just wildly unbalanced for certain specs. Are there certain specs that are faceroll for each boss if you want the mount?

Ive been trying bm and marksman. The issue for hunter is survivability. The mechanics are easily done but the lack of self heals really hurts. I got raest to 15% with karam still alive but messed up and got hit by karam. On a seperate attempt i killed karam but then couldnt keep myself alive due to raest enraging and hitting twice as hard. So mm is easy if you dont mess up a mechanic.

Bm on the otherhand is a nightmare. The worm just annihilates you while the pets have aggro on the tauren. Can sacrifice your pet if your interrupts dont line up which is good but then you waste time reviving your pet

Blizz headed that off at the pass by making Guardian F tier.

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You are lying… (sarcasm btw)
I got it done in legion, then tried it again for mog. You could feel the haste squish.

Rip guardians but it doesn’t mean the encounter should be ez now, if it is.

yeah, I’m gonna need to see proof of that claim their chief.

I missed mage tower the last times it was ingame, so I’m grateful for this post so that I don’t try it yet.

Don’t think I care for getting more Tmogs at this point in my WoW life, but if mage tower is fun that could be good…

I actually hate the assassination rogue one. The knock back every few seconds is enraging.

I don’t play Guardian - what build are you using?

It’s not. I must suck compared to the OP. That or there’s a build combo that makes it easy that I’m not seeing. The mechanics aren’t that bad, but the incoming damage is much higher than expected.

It means that varen? Not sure of the guys name, but it means he got killed. Sobit stops and ports you out