All 3. But fire is the super mega freebie. It’s the easiest of any spec/challenge combo

Ok using this logic though, why is anyone doing it? The mage tower threats were all defeated in Legion.

It’s a gameplay mechanism not a lore one. They could make up a transmog set for Dracthyr to wear.

They originally said during legion, the appearance are GOING AWAY after legion. They gave us fair warning. They are holding true to their words.

Just did it after about 9 tries on Shadow.

Yeah, it’s definitely much more accessible.

I heard it’s called the FUN DETECTED EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE over at Blizzard

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I earned a pretty wide range of appearances across classes/specs in legion and now i am having a tough time remembering which ones i earned and which ones i didnt :older_man:


How long do I have, until Monday?

If you’re asking if the Tower will leave once Time Walking ends then you’re actually fine. Tower is up permanently now.

A few of my friends who played lock did it as affliction and they just kited everything around for the most part, what spec are you trying to get it on?

I am not a healer by any means, but I did do them all in Legion.

If its anything like it was in Legion the easiest healer, for me, was on my paladin. Then my druid. Then my shaman. Doing it on priest and mistweaver was hell. Mind you that was a time with different talents, legendaries, tier bonuses, artifact weapon perks and rotations.

The fact you had to CC, DPS, heal, avoid crap, and then do it in weird waves really sucks. Learning the stages took me the longest. Where to stand, what to CC first, who to kill first, etc, etc.

Best advice I can give, watch videos on the fight, several times. Try it out, die a bunch, re watch the videos, try again. Building your muscle memory and reaction times takes a lot of deaths.

deepinhale Wrong this shifts over tuned to hell

had him at 1% forgot to use that last little bit of DPS from the shock potion he had literally 397 hp left i was so mad.

Edit: I DID IT!!! =)))


I haven’t done them since the DF version, but I found rdruid to be the easiest in Shadowlands. Picking up some well scaling dps trinkets from old raids can make it a lot easier too, idk how strong it is anymore but ravaged seed pod for example trivialized all of the dps areas of the healer challenge previously

Rdruid also has some extra tools like demoralizing roar that can help a lot this time around. That being said, the easiest one will be whatever is tuned the best. Tuning is odd, in Shadowlands resto shaman before the nerf first phase was very difficult, but then the phase before last where you heal the souls could be healed with one cloudburst totem and a riptide. Other healers like holy priest you could use every cd available and have trouble healing the souls.