You’re doing it wrong. Velen and Korvas (sp?) can’t die. The DH chick generally isn’t going to and she can even tank the 1st tank buster (or at least she could back in the day) but Velen is squishy AF and any adds will beeline for him and wreck him in literal seconds. You either need to use an orb to stun them (which is bad because orbs are better for Kruul in P2) and/or kill them fast while dragging them away.

Mechanics still matter. Don’t let yourself get tunneled.

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All of the original mage tower skins are removed and only those who got them at the time (which were objectively easier to do back then than when MT was re-released) able to keep using them. Blizzard is still sticking to their FOMO guns on this but only time will tell if it stays that way. I mean there used to be this whole wall of “no” someone came up with on all the times Blizzard said something wasn’t going to happen and reasons why it won’t/can’t happen that people loved to copy and paste anytime said topic came up…but that wall is nothing but crumbled dust today.


Mage was and still is a freebie.

GOT EMmmmaaa


Good job now you ruin it for everyone

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Who cares I got meh monkey bear thing

Muahhaha (lol)

It makes sense Evokers can’t do it though. They had no artifact appearances. Why would they get something they weren’t around for? They were asleep.

Frost mage kicked my butt up and down to the point where I felt a bit depressed since I did it back in Legion.

I’m sure a lot of it is PEBCAK error on my part but it’s so frustrating having to deal with adds that you specifically want to keep alive because your single target is dependent on your AoE in that fight. I kept getting trapped between “adds dying too quickly, now I’ve run out of procs” and “swarms of enemies reducing the amount of room I have to move” and I can’t balance the two, nevermind trying to kite both Karam and the smaller adds simultaneously while keeping them apart from each other.

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With the exception of Druids, Mage tower doesn’t give artifact appearances anymore, it gives an armor set.

As for what Evokers could get: we have a hidden mount animation where we are just flying using our own wings (you can briefly see it if you use one of the PvP abilities, or occasionally if the jet pack in Mechagon glitches for a moment), NPCs use it quite a bit too. Just give us that. No extra effort needed on Blizzard’s part, it’s something that pretty much every Evoker wants, and it makes more sense than a transmog set considering we can only use belts and shoulders.

Also, what sort of stupid excuse is “they weren’t around for it”? The entire point of the Mage tower returning was that it was a timewalking event, it just got extended to be permanent because people begged for it to be up more than 2 weeks per year, by that logic Monks, DHs, DKs, and Allied Races shouldn’t be able to participate in Timewalking from before their expansions either.

It is a remix of legion content.

Demon hunters do not have rewards from anything pre legion. Monks do not have anything specific reward wise for anything before mop. Why would evokers be different?


Demon hunters literally got an exclusive legendary transmog from TBC timewalking.


Demon hunters were literally built around Illidan and his warglaives.


Good news: that one was already quite easy, so if it’s any easier anyone can do it within like 3 or 4 tries.

Can’t Dracthyr Evoker aren’t allowed in there :dracthyr_shrug:

Enh one is giving me some major difficulties.

I welcome it. I love this, this steady relearning and remembering.

Just wondering, is the Disc Priest one easy post-10.0.5?

If it’s undertuned/Blizz didn’t tune it right I might go back there to pick up 1 or 2 transmog sets

And now i dislike Evokers more than Demon Hunters.

Can we please stop making this guy? Just constant “what about me.” STOP MAKING THAT GUY

From models already existing in the game as an experiment involving transmogging legendary items with the name “warglaive” in it.

Demon hunters getting a one off doesn’t make the overwhelming opposite facts suddenly untrue.

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last night i try the Feral mage tower and done it in the first try, the new dots build is strong

Fire or frost