Scaling in shadowlands was different for the leveling ilvl rewards. Level 45s had around ilvl 50. Now they have around ilvl 120. So the Mage Tower reflects that and the downscaling now drops you to ilvl 120.

This has the negative side effect of preventing the use of “This item must be ilvl 50 or lower” enchants, some of which were very OP for this and any gear you had farmed prior to pre-patch for this event is now garbage since they didn’t scale up existing items, only new drops.

For example : if you had the Nythendra trinket in SL and you kept it for the return of MT, you need to reget that trinket, as your old one is ilvl 50 instead of the new one that is ilvl 120+.

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I’d almost be tempted to use it if there was a decent ranged weapon that matched the set lol.

You get stunned when Velen dies. You have to protect him. The nether adds will destroy him if they attack him or channel their cast near him. Thats one of the aspects of the mage tower. If you are ignoring mechanics you will lose. You can watch a couple of the videos on the encounter, to get a good explanation.

Even though the challenges appear to be easier with talent trees and balance, they are still mechanics checks for the most part. As long as you do the mechanics, you win.


If you want run with the eyeballs-and-teeth theme, the Corrupted Gladiator’s Longbow might work.

Corrupted Gladiator’s Longbow - Item - World of Warcraft (

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This is a common bug for instanced content. Go out of bear/cat form and back in once you’re zoned in. For whatever reason, this fixes the bug.

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Got him to 4%… so CLoseee :frowning:

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What helped me get those last few % in the last phase was use of the orbs. I would use one on the second and third annihilation when he was mid cast. Just to push back the timing and give myself more time to DPS. Incapicating Roar the Nether spites to stop their pulsing AoE before it goes off. But it was really using the orbs in phase 2 that got me the extra time.

i’ve tried to complete frost mage one. It’s too hard for me, i’m garbage, i don’t even want this staff that much, i prefer swords.

The reason im having trouble with the orbs mostly is the Knock backs, like i cant stay near them lol
I used them, but sometimes its in a panic to get to them and not get annihilated (literally)

4% again :frowning: I WILL GET MY GREEN WERE_BEAR

The weapons are not rewards , so you’re not missing out. It’s the recolored armor sets from tomb of sargeras.

The upside of this is some specs tend to have it easier. And the reward is class based (w the exception of guardian Druid)

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Any idea on the best pots/food/etc to use for this? I dont have gear on my druid so its pretty barebones in terms of trinkets (for bear)

Just got DK set, first attempt was 0.5% wipe, then took another 9 attempts T.T… but alas finally got it, barely played in Shadowlands so nice it came back.

WoD flask/pots probably, and BFA food. Check timewalking discord.

Honestly I just used Drums. Spec for DPS as well. The maul talent boost, the ironfur dealing dmg, convoke and improved convoke. Also go down the balance side of the class tree in order to get the increased range on your abilities and getting typhoon. Typhoon interrupts most spells on this fight as well as incap roar.

You can also buy some potion of prolonged power off the AH. Pop Drums and the potion as soon as you start DPSing Kruul. Trinkets that proc DMG on abilities work well. As they will proc off moonfire, so even if you are kiting or running, they are still doing passive dps. Also, SPAM moonfire when moving. It will cleave onto infernals and drop them quick…

Your best bet is to get good at kiting in a wide circle to always dodge the infernal punt. Also getting through phase 1 with only 1 infernal spawning is clutch.

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Unfortunately you can no longer obtain the artifact appearances from completing the mage tower (maybe not because I did it despite not having a single artifact) but you do get a sick recolor of tomb mythic tier for your class :smiley: still worth doing imo

what, why, then there’s no reason to even do it

but… i can just do mythic tomb to get it

Has this been confirmed that you can no longer unlock the appearances?

Some of the recolors in my opinion look much better, if you really like the time warped (mage tower) version then it’s worth it, personally I like most of the sets and will be going for all of them (you get a sick mount for doing every challenge on every class, especially if you’re a mage)

Rawr! I’m going to have to try when I get home from work. Thank you