Mage Tower Boosters

Why is it ok to buy gold from Blizzard but not ok to buy told from another player? I mean that’s where the disconnect happens.

I thought bnet balance was the same as “Mr.Krab’s Wacky Bucks.” o-o

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Your comment makes absolutely zero sense. Quit while you’re behind, sir.

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If I buy a token from Blizzard, I know it isn’t coming from a third party or from a service that hacks player accounts and strips their toons. I also know that any real money profits are going into the company that makes the game I like to play.

RMT has been a problem and will probably always be a problem. The token was Blizzards way of joining them because they couldn’t beat them.

I will say this, although spam regarding boosts, carries, etc. is annoying, there are ways around that. And beyond the spam, RMT services and/or the WoW tokens do not affect me personally in my day to day play. I have purchased tokens to add game time and that was nice. Other than that they are not an issue for me personally. And I am willing to bet they aren’t really an issue for almost all other players.

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Oh I forgot, buying a token with real money from Blizzard is A-OK but for some reason buying gold with real money from another player is horrible.

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I would agree here but wow has been on the decline since tokens were introduced. The exception being Legion (I’d argue only the second half of Legion but that’s a different discussion). The profits from the tokens are clearly not going back into making wow a better game.

Proof positive you have no idea what you’re talking about. Please just stop. Take a step back and learn how things work. While you proceed to not do that, I’m moving on, as this discussion isn’t going anywhere with you.

Probably for the best. Supporting boosting isn’t a good look.

Sorry I did a bad job of quoting another poster. I will be more clear. The wow token is pay to win. You can quite literally buy power with it which is the definition of pay to win.

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Not a problem. Fully agree with you on that.

5 year old response. I care about the entire forums being spammed by people crying about it like this guy. Try again

Why are you bumping their threads then? You are enabling these threads by engaging with them at all.

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Me responding to a thread will not change the millions more to come.

Probably not, but you’re still being part of the problem.

You have no clue what you are talking about, just like someone else I know you just like to argue for the sake of arguing. Why should people have to get an add-on because others spam trade chat?


10 char

Why is your profile hidden?

90% of those people you see flying on book mounts are booster buyers. WoW has been World of Boostcraft for a long time. It’s already a virus within the PVP and Raiding scene. Boosters are super obvious too because you can see things like they got all the MT’s in one day, or they barely have any raid experience or high IO etc. It’s sad to see but is what it is, if people can find a way to cheat their way to something, the vast majority will do so.


Cool, just got one of those snazzy in-game mail messages thanking me for the cheating report and that actions were taken.

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