Sweet, keep at it! =)
Oh you know I will. Those MT boosters are eating into my AH sales.
I don’t? Can you not turn off general chat? Can you not report and ignore? Can you not use an addon to block stuff you don’t want to see?
Last time I checked, you could!
I wasn’t arguing. I was giving a way to deal with the situation.
If you want Blizz to do the work for you, then grays, you’ll end up with more authenticator-like restrictions!
Because of weirdos like you, I have nothing to hide at all, are you implying I was boosted in any content? I’m flattered.
That doesn’t change the fact that it is another and another person spamming. More needs to be done. Make a toon on Sargeras Alliance and the only thing you see is ads being spammed over and over. I asked a friend who has a main there why no guilds promote on trade. He told me because of the booster like Huokan.
BTW, if you do try to post on trade it gets drowned out be all the ads from boosters.
So because I ask why your profile is hidden you call me a weirdo? I mean all someone sees is your achievements. I take it you probably don’t have many, why else would you hide your profile?
Enjoy having authenticator required chat channels!
You can look them up on the armory. Their profile is meaningless, though. Either you can have a discussion or you want to argue irrelevant things. Choice is yours!
No Blizz should ban or suspend them for spamming. Second, your friend is very rude and condescending, he came off as if he has chieve after chieve, so just curious at to why he would hide his profile. You and him must be besties!
They do ban accounts. Problem is, they’re all throwaway accounts, so it’s meaningless and they’ll just keep spamming.
I don’t know who he is.
Ignoring the problem doesn’t magically make it go away.
Considering the problem is advertising, if you don’t see it, then it’s meaningless to you. Report, ignore, have fun!
Or just don’t do it at all because the time investment isn’t worth the pitiful rewards and continue to ignore it because blizzard once again messed up something that could have been a grand slam.
If you think the only problem is advertising then you don’t get it at all.
Yeah this comment alone proves you’re a dunce. You do realize you can’t hide your armory which shows everything. I only pvp in this game so feel free to roast whatever you want. You’re a weirdo.
I am not the one hiding my profile, what you are doing is not even close to roasting. What you are doing is letting everyone know what an unhappy person you are. You PvP, so do I. Let’s wargame or duel:
Trimac 1537