Mage Tower Boosters

And a trick with the gems is the time walking vendor sells little ore crates. The core crates can have argus gems in em, and they give the same stats as BFA gems but are able to be used in ilevel 50 and below stuff when cut. I know the pandaria stuff people were stacking main stat but I personally used secondary stats for that. I only did the bear one, but honestly that was the main one I wanted lol so I’ll touch base with the rest at a later time.

And vanilla was 16 years ago what’s your point?

Sure, people can’t be against something because of their own reasons. It has to be because someone told me to be against boosting.

You people are something else…

Yeah, you dozens upon dozens of people just happened to come to the same conclusion at the same time after the token had been around for like 5-6 years.

Who also struggles to articulate beyond “token bad”, because you’re just parroting some talking head.

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I’ve been against boosting ever since it started invading chat and LFG to the point of ridiculousness.

I’ve spelled it out many times, want me to do it again?

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“[quote=“Totesmlotes-thrall, post:94, topic:1159130”]
Buying a token with the intention of using it on a boost is pay to win.

No it isn’t. It’s pay to skip until the next patch or expansion makes it obsolete. And still giving someone else in game gold. Not real money.”

Your perspective is very off. Take a step back and rethink what you’re saying.

RMT and account sharing is not the same as handing a character in game be lazy.


It is pay to win with “extra steps”. And yeah, the token was a terrible idea. As it stands currently I can buy some of the best gear in the game with money as long as go through the extra step of converting that money to gold first.

Hey uh, as a heads up your quote is messed up and isn’t displaying properly. Figured I would let you know.

Not really. It’s a consistent pay to win that’s reset every patch. This absolutely favors Blizzard with token sales.

So are you saying it’s pay to win or not? You’re very confusing with what you’re saying here.

So you made stuff up and can’t counter that. Good we got that cleared up. :slightly_smiling_face:


Yup, boosting is the greatest thing happening in wow. I love seeing all the chat channels filled with boost advertisements and LFG being half full of boosting advertisements.

Wow’s great!

Edit - LOL same guy liked your post on THREE alts. How sad…

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Enjoy your delusions! No one has ever said RMT or account sharing is okay.


That’s exactly what tokens are. Officially supported RMT.

Person buys token and gets gold. Person gives gold to another person to be lazy.

Person gives gold to another person.

Person gives GOLD to another person.


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Who. Cares.

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This is all pretty moot when the guy at the head of the company sells boosts LMAO

He sells GOLD boosts. He’s not account sharing.

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Most competent and semi-competant players have at some point.

Which is why this whole ““controversary”” is so perplexing.

It’s a whole lot of hot air over something that has always existed.

Only one token gets sold ever? :man_facepalming:

If you could convert WoW tokens or gold to a real life dollar amount, I would consider it RMT.

But I think there is a difference between buying gold with real life money (through Blizzard and the tokens) and being able to convert gold back into real money. It’s RMT when they bait and switch people and advertise gold runs but then ask for a credit card number.

Careful, you’ll trigger the “but Blizzard Balance IS real money!” crowd.