Mage Tower Boosters

Oh well you’re right, there’s nothing wrong with wow and boosting is perfectly fine. Wow is in the best state its ever been in.


I’d like for you to point out where I said any of that. I’ll wait.

No, you’ve changed my mind. Boosting is fine. Not a problem at all.

Careful, that’s the same person who’s equating my support of legit boosting with support of RMT and account sharing.

This but unironically.

As long as it’s for gold, or some in-game items.

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Are you making gold from boosting?

No, not presently. Can’t be bothered finding and dealing with buyers. Definitely next season, though.

Most of my gold lately has just been selling old consumables to people wiping in Mage Tower all day.

Also holding TCG.

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Hard to be against something you stand to profit from.

I mean, it has been a part of the game since vanilla.

And only just recently became a controversary because…?

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But token sales haven’t. That’s where my personal problem comes in. I wouldn’t have a problem with it if you couldn’t just buy gold.

Tokens. Since the introduction of tokens boost spam has become the only thing you see in chat and half of LFG.

You do realize people can boost without tokens, right?

It’s called flipping the AH and doing professions.

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go go vendor shuffles! I’m absolutely addicted to those stupid things.

Then tokens should be removed.

It’s great isn’t it? I wish I got into this stuff sooner. MT is what kicked my butt into gear.

There are some non-believers out there, so here’s my 1W TSM chart.

My daily profit has been a little higher than a token a day. The sharp drop from Monday night was a boost I purchased, and you can see I nearly made it all up yesterday. Waiting to see what transpires today :slight_smile:

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Why are you posting in threads about the Mage Tower then?

If you truly didn’t care you wouldn’t be here telling everyone how much you don’t care. Just sayin’. :man_shrugging:

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Nice! Ya I don’t use TSM but I make a buttload off shuffles and just playing stonks with materials. I buy em up low then wait for em to go up and sell. I did drums during MT I should have done legion / pandaria gems but eh oh well the drums were enough lol. I sold so many drums!

Oh crap I completely forgot I sold out of drums last night. Thanks for the reminder!

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lol you’re welcome. I keep drunking them on my server to make the leather and bones go down. I still make gold off of em, but it allows me to make even more cause the bones and leather can be used for shuffles. I have some drums going then shuffle shuffle shuffle. xD

Warlords was like half a decade ago, lmao

I’m almost entirely convinced that you’re just parroting somebody else now

Yeah, drums were selling for 1k on the first day, and some gems 15-20k


Ain’t no one selling boost for MT, they’re trying to steal peoples accounts.