Mage Tower Boosters

Good thing we got those authenticators though for LFG tool and chat spam. :man_facepalming:


Buy a 2nd account, use your boost. Buy MT carry on main. Get your MOG. Acquire your 6 month ban. Play on 2nd account for 6 months. Enjoy your MT MOG when you get main account back. /s

There’s no problem for you specifically. Don’t give anyone your account info. If someone is dumb enough to do that, then let them learn the hard way. People will get sanctioned eventually. It’s not your problem.

But like what if they control your account through screen sharing so you didn’t give them any details? Ayeeeeee?

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Read what you wrote.

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Nah read between the lines. :roll_eyes:

Sharing your account is sharing your account.


Sigh it was sarcasm thought the long ayyeeeeee gave it away…

That’s all these is on the general discussion board these days :/.

A streamer got a ban for using a friend’s account for a minute to demonstrate something a few years back. they take it very seriously.


Ignoring the problem isnt fixing the problem :laughing:
Thats literally the burning house around you everythings fine meme…


Indeed, which is why it sort of baffles me that “account sharing isn’t allowed” isn’t explicitly stated in that loading screen tip.


I feel like the better solution would be to report them and let Blizzard look at if they’re offering services that require account sharing (I can’t imagine there’s any other kind of “Mage Tower Boost”), thereby stopping the practice and keeping people from losing their accounts to scammers and also getting the compromised accounts used to advertise banned in the meantime, until the original owners can get them back under their control.

As a side-bonus, reporting them also ignores them for the rest of your login session. Win/win.




How, if they’re not reported? Magic? Positive thoughts? Pixie dust?

It’s not, after I right-click > Report for cheating.


Yeah? I’m not saying account sharing isn’t allowed (I think my OP made that super-clear), I’m saying it’s not explicitly stated in the loading screen tip that discourages it.

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There’s no ignoring it. It happens. Don’t do it and let dumb people get caught. Pretty simple!

Sure, go ahead and report if you want. But my point is why make a big deal out of something that someone’s going to get caught for anyway and it doesn’t affect the people not doing it?

If someone wants their account permanently banned, that’s all them. Let them be dumb so I can laugh at them when they try to come here and complain. :grin:

People logging in from different locations are monitored by Blizz, actually.

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Because people falling for scams and getting their accounts compromised enriches scammers, which makes more of them and makes them more pervasive and emboldened, which annoys me. I’d rather play a game relatively free of people trying to steal my account, and you do that by making the environment generally hostile to them and more trouble than it’s worth by tipping Blizzard off to their shenanigans so that they can get shut down and make it less profitable for them to scam people due to the higher overhead.

By the same logic, why call the police if you see someone throwing a brick through the window of someone else’s house? Because one, there’s no guarantee that someone won’t throw a brick at you even if you’re not out there like, “Hey, can I take a look at that brick? Toss it to me.” And if you passively encourage an environment where bricks through windows are a regular thing, eventually the whole neighborhood becomes a wasteland because everyone thinks it’s trashed and not worth saving.

Yeaaaaaah I have this pesky thing called human empathy that requires that I not just set up a lawn chair, mojito in hand, next to the spike pit covered with leaves by the exit to the daycare. Telling someone about the spike pit so that it can be filled in, or at least so the person who set it up can be run off is, I feel, a better option.

They’re not out there combing through logs to see if people are logging in from their usual location for Mage Tower completion, and anyone who’s purposely sharing their account is turning off and actively helping the scammers through their multifactor verification safeguards. I have a VPN that I flip on and off all the time as the day goes on that bounces me between my location, Seattle, Utah, Vancouver and San Francisco and Blizzard has never lifted a single eyebrow about it.

Stuff has to be reported to them for them to look at it. Therefore, I report, and let them sort it out.


the problem - people advertising boosts for a solo encounter which requires someone to give info out as it is a SOLO ENCOUNTER and CANNOT be done otherwise. This is AGAINST ToS.

that is the problem. i am not saying there is a specific problem relating to myself buying the boosts im stating the fact that advertising this is AGAINST ToS.

i mean if you cannot understand that then idk what to tell you. you need to remember that there are still new players coming to this game it may not be by the hundreds/thousands but yes there ARE new players coming in still. if you check up on FB groups you will see a post here and there relating to this. i literally just saw 1-2 today. new players may not understand this and thus why it causes an issue. it’s no different then the message they give relating to GM whispers and all that in the tool tips.

if you actually check up on 3rd party sites they too sell these boostings for RMT of course. i’ve literally seen these adverts in game PRIOR to MT even coming back


It gets scammers banned, too. Especially these ones, because they now have IP addresses and login location information.

Not even remotely the same.

Talk about some serious hyperbole. LOL :woman_facepalming:t4:

Absolutely no one said otherwise. So I’m not even sure why you’re arguing with me.