Mage Tower Availability Extended and Tuning Adjustments

Tested it before I said this btw :smiley:

If you stand on the outer edge at the start, Variss will come to the middle. The nethers will spawn and run right to the middle. You can use typhoon to interrupt the Nethers and Variss on the second or third drain life cast.

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why nerf it when it was already easy?


That’s not true. Some of us want rewards for minimal effort.


Honestly, I don’t understand why they didn’t go with like, a 4 levels of challenge approach.

Same reward unlock, but shinier achievements on higher challenges/Feats of Strength type deal, like they had back in MoP/WoD with the Proving Grounds

And yes, I was able to complete those to an extent back then, I just physically can’t any more (inb4 prove it: )


Now please look at the rewards so that they are current for shadowlands content ?

Otherwise most of us who are not into cosmetics have no incentive to doing this

All three warlock specs are ludicrously overtuned. all three need nerfed. I am really not enjoying this in the slightest. this is a royal pain im not enjoying this experience. I am in fact not even caring to play wow in any format. mage tower is just ruining the experience for all of wow. if nothing is changed soon im just going to not resub… again…


easy for you doesnt mean easy for everyone


Famed Pre-Nerf Slayer of Agatha

need that title asap


is blizzard even… listening?

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I’m referring to Xylem, not Kruul.

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I think there should have been two different difficulties for the MT. One being a LFR like difficult that rewards a different color tint to the transmog set.

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What spirit of encounters? You don’t think getting bis items in the other mage tower didn’t help? If you were a mythic raider back then the fight was easier for you when it released then someone in world quest gear? How does that follow logic?

Not even a different look imo.

Hell, put in a super nerfed version for the new stuff and keep the current one in for the OG MT stuff cause it’s harder than OG MT according to many of the top end players


I did the Fury challenge with sl enchants, 3 pulls, you dont need healing outside victory rush.

They couldn’t help themselves. They realized that casuals who were resubbing could do this and decided that wasn’t what they wanted to happen.


Honestly it is funny how you are most likely going to be nerfing those gems since you missed them when the nerfed all the other TBC gems. But why nerf them? The Mage tower is not competitive pve.



im easily 170+ pulls, I feel your pain

I wouldn’t engage him. He just repeats the same lines like he is a broken record.

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whispers Make it permanent.

curses. Where was this last night. Oh well.

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Yea I was wondering if I was losing it lol noticed they stopped moving and it was screwing me all up