Mage Tower Availability Extended and Tuning Adjustments

You really felt like you did something there lmao

The Holy Priest challenge is completely overtuned and is the single hardest healer challenge right now by a mile.

The Arcane Mages on the Holy Priest challenge do double the amount of damage compared to other healers. They hit for 2-2.5k on my guild mates Resto Druid, but on my Holy Priest they hit for 4-5k which is half the NPCs hp.


I have spectated a few guardian druids doing the MT.

Yikes :grimacing:

2000s io score can’t save em.

Resident prot warrior here. Kruul still kills me at 2 annihilates despite careful play up to that point with multiple major cds and shield block up. How did prot warrior (and other specs) get ignored? Insane.

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I’ve been running it on different classes/specs last couple of hours.

Doesn’t seem that most of these changes are even live. Hopefully more to come then.

Looks good so far. I think shadow priest could use some adjustments

Guardian druid was much needed so good that was addressed.

Thank you

Honestly not necessary. I can see why you don’t want items to be overpowered, but this is still Timewalking content
 You can leave the items overpowered, that’s fine, but the general consensus was that it felt like you HAD to have these items to complete some encounters because of how overtuned they are. If you tune the bosses lower, so everyone could do them without Timewalking sets, then no one would care that others are doing it just that much faster with Timewalking sets. See how it works?

So like, if I can log onto a level 60 alt with just Shadowlands gear and clear the encounter just fine with SL gear, then that’s great. It doesn’t affect me if someone can do it just that much faster with TW sets, because the TW sets aren’t necessary in the first place to complete the encounters. So I think this change didn’t really benefit to anything.


Is then an out of season april fools joke, isn’t it?

Those changes do absolutely nothing to fix issues we are having with mage tower.

They are so small, unless you are comparing numbers you will never notice the difference.

Stop wasting your and our time and do proper across the board nerfs to everything by at least 50% HP and damage, that would at least make it somewhat bearable for some players, not just elitists and world first raiders.


And compensate that lost power by nerfing all encounters by another 20-30%, right? You can’t just nerf gems/items/enchants and leave bosses as is


They absolutely can, though. You don’t get it both ways. Things are tuned so they are doable with shadowlands gear. There are other options to make it easier if players aren’t as good, and the community raged about the other gear, so they’re nerfing the other gear. All there is to it.

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if there was only a realm
 like a public test realm
 that these adjustments could be made.

I think they did the math: gear, mats, consumables = people buying wow tokens = WIN for Blizz and loss for casual players

That’s how proper company would do it, if you nerf one thing, you compensate in different place. Obviously blizzard isn’t such. They are rather spit into the face of playing customers and pretend nothing happened.

The changes, while some are small and others are questionable at best, is an okay start. The Kruul health reduction is a good change though.

Truthfully, a lot of the issues could be resolved by just reducing the health.

The hands in the twins encounter are a bit tricky to kill later in the fight when so much is going on and Shadow Priest/Balance Druids/etc
 have long cd interrupts. The 500% enrage on Raest should also be reverted back to 100% so that nuking Karem to end his constant chasing is potentially viable again.

The HP nerf on Kruul is a solid change, though the change to the adds for bears is quite questionable.

I still think the overall damage in the Feltotem challenge should be toned down a bit, likewise the health of the eggs needs to be brought down.

Agatha is overall, in an okay spot. Though her health could use a solid 10-15% taken off. The encounter is very long. It should be a battle of keeping the adds controlled, breaking her shield, interrupting her, dodging boulders. You know, mechanics. It should not be a battle of trying to stay awake for15 minutes. On my warrior, her best pull was a bit over 16 minutes with Agatha at around 17%. I know the mechanics, but damn if it isn’t just a needlessly long slog. Too long of a slog. (My warrior is only level 47 so shes missing the last talent row and her gear isn’t very optimized).

God Queen’s Fury and Risen Threat definitely need more tuning though. For every spec, or just flat blanket nerfs to the entire challenge itself. Risen Threat especially.

While I’m still annoyed you ignored PTR feedback and buffed everything so massively with no communication as to the reason, I am glad to see for once you aren’t swinging the pendulum to the opposite extreme. These challenges absolutely shouldn’t be trivial. But considering how hyped this was as Timewalking content(which has always been accessible to all skill levels), a lot more changes are needed.

And you know as much as we do that you can tune things down a fair bit more while still keeping these at a reasonable challenge. Reasonable is the keyword here. What is reasonable to a high end Mythic Raider, or high end M+ player, or high end PvP’er is a lot different than what is a reasonable challenge for the masses. As of now, the goal is still completely out of reach for most players, which is truly a shame for such hyped up content.

It’s sad how dead the Broken Shore is already. You’ve demoralized and broken your playerbase Blizzard over what could have been a lot of fun and a huge win for you.


Could you please make it so that the aura around the first mob will account for whether or not you have Balance affinity? That is – if you have balance affinity, the first mob’s aura is larger, if you don’t, it’s the same size as for other tanks.

Thwarting the Twins for Affliction warlock specifically needs looked at. Raest has WAY too many health points.

It is beatable in it’s current state but the only way people are doing it is having to push a pseudo enrage by killing Karam and then spending 5 minutes using drain life to outheal the enraged shadowbolts from Raest while just kiting around the adds.

The encounter was originally designed in Legion to have Raest around 15% when final phase hits and then have him burned down in that phase while doing all the mechanics at once.

In it’s current state when the final “burn” phase starts he is still with 60-70% life and there is no way to do the encounter the right way.

Raest needs significant health reduction
you seriously buffed him 300% from PTR to live, 70k health to 201k?! This wasn’t even tested.

The other warlock ones seem ok other than cast frequency/cast time of Fel Burst from the tauren on the Destruction challenge just because we do not have the same toolkit and instand shadowfury like we used to, nor the permanent infernal that could stun.

I did all these back in the day, destro and demo ones seem mostly ok
affy, god the health tuning is awful and the encounter is having to be beaten bassackwards from how it should be


This is exactly the problem with that encounter. Not just for aff lock, but for all other specs like MM hunter that share that encounter.


Ehh I was hoping for Antorus like tuning, I swear the mage tower increases chances of people getting a stroke lol. High blood pressure and stress lol.


Ya, I figured they all had the same issue because of his health being twice what it should be, but I had no experience on any other spec in there other than Affliction so I didn’t want to speak out of line when I had no concrete data.

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The extension is nice. So one month?
How about extend it until 9.2
I mean it’s December. One of the busiest months of the year.
It’s challenge mode content, should be hard, that’s okay, but the harder the content, the more time people (actually me lol) need to try and get used to.

Just saying :smirk:

P.s. And plz don’t nerf past xpac items too much will ya lol
Farming those items can be content too

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In my opinion these nerfs completely missed the point of why it’s too difficult. It’s the damage of the plain Arcane Blitz that’s too heavy and I don’t get why it’s been nerfed for Resto Shaman and not for Holy.

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