Mage tower appearances

They haven’t brought back a way to get the CM transmogs I don’t see them doing it for Mage Tower. Sucks, because there are some appearances I wish I got but it is what it is.

Doing the whole being fake nice and friendly by hiding my real beliefs in order to form fake “friendships” where people pretend to be nice just for the benefits of “making friends” has never rly been my thing.

I have little interest in fake dishonest connections.

And in this case there is no argument to be made, there’s a million legit reasons someone does not have the mage towers, from being a NEW player, to not playing during legion, to making a new account, to moving to a new region and losing said appearances.

Appearanes during 7.3 became a joke due to argus gear overgearing them, they were never a prestigious achievement but delusional people want to live in the delusion they are special and more deserving for checks note “Playing during legion”

So there is no legit argument to be made, they only want others to not get them so they feel a delusion sense of specialty.
Am I attacking them by being honest and direct and that makes them feel insecure? Yes, because these people wont come over to that side anyway as they cant survive losing that thing that feeds their weak self esteem.


Legitimately everyone on these forums knows his posts by now. He’s genuinely not a smart person.


Just like with CM gear, they’re never coming back.

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I was hoping more BFA got its own Mage Tower Esq style of transmogs, but it doesn’t seem so…

Hopefully Shadowlands has something similar.

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I imagine they could tie in something to Torghast and make it require solo only.

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Wouldn’t be surprised if they did something like that with the Torghast maybe.

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Okay? So you missed out. Too bad.


I thought he was just a troll. I mean the dude went on a spree of ranting about Shadowlands saying he cancelled his pre-order while posting on a Pandaren DK.

Then he came back and said he quit SWTOR because it “had no damage meters.” And is now praising Shadowlands like no other.

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What mogs are you wanting OP?

If you’re faking being nice, you’re not being nice. Similarly, being adversarial and blunt doesn’t come across as honest (at least not to me)

Kicking the hornet’s nest certainly does provoke lively debate and gets attention, I can’t deny that. But sometimes I feel you end up just making enemies of people who weren’t originally opposed to what you wanted in the first place.

They were advertised as time sensitive, and we were told to repeatedly get them before they went away. If you didn’t get them, it is unfortunate. But that’s too bad.


Well said.


You don’t like the Blood DK bone axe?

I do not. Though I do agree with OP about the druid skins. I forgot that the shape shifting forms also changed.

Black market but an obvious color variation like pink/neon green or something.

Yes everyone should get a pink Roidbear form.


Prestige cosmetics should remain prestigious. Hopefully Blizzard will continue to add challenging content that offer limited-time cosmetic rewards. These are good (as in well received) and healthy for the game.



I hyperventilated when I finally defeated Kanrethad. I tried so many times, and thought I was going to pass out when I realised I’d completed it! Was a great moment.

There are so many things I wish I had; ‘Hand of Adal’ title, Paladin MoP CM set, the Blue MoP legendary cloak, ‘The Immortal’ title. But I didn’t earn them when they were current, and I wouldn’t accept them now if they were offered free.


Ain’t happening OP… it was touted as expansion specific, like the other challenge rewards previously.

I wouldn’t mind a time walking thing that offered different tints of them or something. This game really should give more for players to stay engaged and not remove it. (I don’t care, got the few I wanted when it was current, I don’t care if someone got them now… I don’t need to feel like a special snowflake)