Mage tower appearances

It’s nearly been two years blizzard, we need another method of obtaining these if ya ain’t gonna bring mage tower back




You don’t need those ones. You missed out.

But they should bring back solo challenges like that to earn new ones.


The chance came and went.

Yeah, I’d like a shot at the MoP and WoD Challenge Mode sets/weapons too, but what’s done is done.


It’s been six years since warlocks could get the “of the Black Harvest” title and six years from now it will be twelve years and six years from then it’ll be 18 years etc etc. If you don’t have that title already(which I do), you never will. Mage tower appearances are the same. They gave us a whole year to get the ones we wanted. A year. And they weren’t expensive to do at all. Just loot a couple chests on the broken shore and bam do your instance run to try and get it. It’s done. It’s over. I got fire mage and destro lock. I really really wanted arcane but that encounter was too much for me so I’ll never have it.

Let this be a life lesson. Most things in life are impermanent.


The thing is though, I started playing BFA pre patch, by the time I reached 110, mage tower was discontinued and BFA was out


Then they should introduce something for BFA. Unfortunately it seems to be a crime to release too much content in one expansion though so :man_shrugging:t2:

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SO you missed out. I’m sorry. You missed out. It was a limited time event that they repeatedly said would end and never come back so that we would get them while we could. You weren’t around. You started in basically BFA so you just missed out. That’s all there is to it.


OP is right guys all the things that are super rare and collectable that were earned by people back in the day like the mage tower which was balanced around the legion class design and wouldn’t be the same to earn now should be brought back to diminish everyone’s hard work in earning their items?!!$!#!!@!

I dunno, make it like, a 5 mask vision reward or something similar, if ya wanna complain about no effort being put into getting it again


Careful man, the people with limited self esteem are gonna start attacking you for not letting them feel special because they were playing in X region during legion xD


If we do not respect the opinions of others, why should they respect ours?


To be fair all the mage tower skins are ugly as sin. You really aren’t missing out.

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It’s Ralph. He constantly projects personal feelings onto other people. Misery loves company and all that.


except the guardian druid bear form as well as a few others that stick out tho, they looks amazing as heck

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Nobody has an inherent right to respect or have their opinions respected.

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Nah, they definitely took them away for the sake of them being limited. Sometimes they do that.


I’m sad I’ll never get a little Diablo. But that be the way of things.


I suppose I’m just basing them off the DK ones. Which are all ugly. Then again I found all the DK legion weapon skins ugly.

Heck I wouldn’t mind if they were like a secret torghast reward on shadowlands, that requires ya to jump though some hoops, something to be able to get them.

Hell, putting them on the black market would work.

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It’s not about rights, it’s about making friends instead of enemies and not making your wishes sound threatening to people who might not share them.

(unless you’re just here seeking an argument, rather than actually wanting anything)