Mage Tower 2.0 Tanking comparion analysis shows you need 2x the damage for the same content

I bet if someone does such comparisons for DPS versions of encounters here will be exact same result of them being around 2 times more difficult.

So they are the tryhards I am refering to? Weird because I already defined otherwise in what you first replied to and apparently didn’t read.

I read. I’ll re-iterate my question, what changes do you want to see? Just lay it out.

Where did I state I want changes? I don’t think you read any of it. Just a knee jerk reaction. Very telling.

It’s way too overtuned right now. I thought this game was suppose to be fun.


You know what, now that I’m re-reading you did not directly state you wanted changes, which is why I asked, but I did misread your intentions. You’re gauging and discussing the topic of nerfing a lot and I made assumptions.

I apologize.

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But why do you have a problem with people expressing their viewpoints? It’s a forum that’s what it’s meant for. Majority of the people who have played MT think it should be nerfed.


So what you are telling me with this is that stat squishes make going back to old content a colossal mess?

I know thats not what you said but it seems pretty clear the issue here. Yes the tuning is OFF for many challenges, full agreement, but this is a compounding issue as we forever stat squish going forward. I mean come on, BFA consumables are nearly double the effectiveness of using SL in a scaled instanced environment.

There is really no excuse for this. The challenges for some are drastically different, that is an undisputable fact. They are not the same for some. The Twins Raest has 3x-4x as much health than Karem for all the specs instead of maybe 20-30% more. Other challenges also have very different difficulty because of Class changes/legendaries.

I must have lived a different Legion than some because some of these challenges have felt vastly different. Kudos to Blizzard for the Healer nerfs, seems more in line, but I do hope to see some more tweaks coming up to make it more in line with what players would be dealing with in Legion

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Blizzard where is blue post that says you have acknowledged issue described in this thread and are working on fix?

Not only tanks, but DPS too.

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I have no idea why they let old items work differently than scaled down new items. The exception being trinkets. But they disabled all other set bonuses, why not just disable trinkets and set a baseline for everyone. It’s not the same as in Legion where you could go in with the gear you were lucky or good enough to get. This is different and it totally messed up this entire event.

To back this up. I was about 35 attempts in on my Frost Mage without being able to sustain the last phase. I got 4 pieces of old gear with sockets and better itemization and I killed it in 3 tries. That is ridiculous.

Exactly. For example Raest has like x3 of HP it had in Legion compared to Karam…

Yep, like I’ve said the value alot of people get with these desirable ‘cosmetics’ (which RPers go for more than the average player as proper looks are kind of pivotal to RP) is honestly a ‘neener neener, you don’t have this’ aka: spoiled brat syndrome.

We all know or knew these kinds of people IRL, and odds are, did not like them in the slightest.

Yanno what I do when I encounter a player asking where I got x y or z? I tell them where I got it, how I got it, and if I have tips to make that easier, I give them those. Like lets take the Grand Armored Wyvern from MoP, yes, it’s an exalted rep item, but you also have to complete the storylines for Dominance point to get it. There is also the fact that fully upgrading the farm speeds up the process by giving you a daily for farming ontop of the dailies in Krasarang Wilds. Online guides also say doing the beastmaster quests (trap a thing then kill it) but, those no longer award the listed buff or rep so you don’t want to do those.

I also get disheartened when I have to be the bearer of bad news to people on some things, like the Primal Flame Saber or the Molten Corgi, the former being a HotS cross promo mount from the Ragnaros launch event, the other being from an aniversary event, and both being magnificent for Elemental Shaman ‘go alongs’ with mogging

This is all because my enjoyment comes from my enjoyment, not by showing off or telling people I have a thing they can’t get. I’d much rather have a thing they don’t have, but can still get.

Pretty simple…they don’t see it as an issue (yet).

They never promised the mage tower was going to be an exact replica challenge from Legion and they almost always start too hard because of their philosophy of never making something harder after the fact short of fixing a bug/mechanic not working properly.

I agree that the fights are way too hard/long but the biggest issue I have is how vastly different having a “TW set” is compared to regular gearing. Back when it was relevant, the extent of alternate gearing with using specific legendaries you otherwise may not have work otherwise and “maybe” different trinkets. You went in as you were otherwise.

If it were me, sockets on old gear (non current expansion content) would be gone, old consumables disabled, and old items/effects would be clearly inferior to current items or I’d just do the more fair/smart option which is give you a stat template character to do it with. Set your stats to what I balanced them around and make whatever gear you have irrelevant.


There is another way to buy the old expacs reps very easily is to do the timewalking (if you have few alts ) and then after doing 1st dungen you get the 500 badge thingy then buy the rep tokens on those said alts and send them to main who keeps them m if darkmoon isnt around and use them if darkmoon fair is . Very very easy to do this instead of grinding a rep .

Now i would never understand why oh why does it matter what others have to anyone ? Seriously i use a mog that i like regardless of the fact tha it can be farmed in like 20 mins or 5 if you have gold and venthyr(except shoulders) instead of mogging something that is unique but i dont like . Oh well everyone to their own i guess but still its just disheartening .