Mage Teleport spell to Stormwind Broken

Adding another Bug

Mage, level 80, Teleport Spell to Stormwind dropped me off in Badlands 51.65 60.94.



Tried to use it a second time right after it dropped me off in Tirisfal Glades.

3rd & 4th time, Tirisfal Glades.

Summoned a Mage Portal, same result.


This has happened to me too. not every time but enough to be annoying.
it was hilarious the first time…the following attempts to get back to stormwind makes me think that their Horde bias is enjoying drowning the blue crew.

Came here to report the same thing. So far a SW portal has sent me to 1) below Arathi Highlands in the water where I am losing breath and fatigue. 2) to the Isle of Gilneas and 3) out to the sea of Twilight Highlands in the water again losing fatigue. Each time I re-cast Mage portal Stormwind and end up in the correct Portal Room in Stormwind. Has a Goblin transporter been messing around with our portals and it’s “pot luck” where we end up???

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Yes. Apparently.

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Not just Mage Portals, seems like any portal and the Cloak of Coordination. What is going on lol


I just had this happen with 3 cloaks, except it used the CD on my cloaks. Fun times :smiley: had to fly back from Swamp of Sorrows like the good old days.

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So yeah, completely borked!

Still seems broken even after they said they had fixed it? Took a portal after their post saying it was resolved in their latest “bug fixes”. But even then, ended up in the sea drowning and getting fatigue. Had to re-portal back somewhere again.
So still seems to be doing it?

Wormholes also seem to be a crap shoot.