Talent trees are up on wowhead
Looking like the current Kyrian Arcane build with Radiant Spark and Touch of the Magi is still going to be a thing in Dragonflight.
Good. I actually like how the spec plays right now. Just hope the numbers are there.
Guess im going ele, the base mage tree is garbage
I’m not liking not being able to get arcane orb when going Radiant Spark / Harmonic Echo. Orb has been s staple for years, should be far lower in the tree imo. Am I missing something on why it’s so far down?
Is this the smallest base class tree as far as number of nodes? Honestly shocked how small it is, especially for a full DPS class.
Base tree is… weird. Idk, I find it odd the beginning choices are IB, CoC, Shatter and Invisibility. Guess I might be going down left tree for orb in Arcane.
There’s a lot of stuff to digest with these trees.
I have to say that overall the fire tree seems pretty bland and unimaginative; it’s basically just the current class broken down into talents, and you’re forced to take certain ones (like hot streak).
Although, in theory at least, it is possible to play without Combustion, in which case it would seem as though you would be making great use of Phoenix Flames. In any case, I came up with the following on build on how such a tree could look:
Personally, I am not a huge fan of the Combustion playstyle, so the fact that there is theoretically an alternative to it is welcome. No idea how the numbers look yet though compared to Combustion. You would also probably need to stack a lot of crit to get it to work.
All of the trees seem to be the same thing, current class just broken down into talents. I was hoping there would be more talents like the Berserk line in Druid. Frost could have a line of talents buffing the elemental making it worth taking over Lonely Winter. The main tree could have done the same thing with Rune of Power/Incanter’s Flow. Make the talents a real choice instead of having one clearly better then the other.
Lets take baseline abilities, SL legos, and conduits and call it content. Lazy af.
Compared to shaman, this looks like very low effort. Not a lot, if anything, is new and exciting. It’s just what we have mixed a little bit differently. Not impressed at all.
the only good thing i see is dragon breath for all specs, i think i will main shaman in DF
in addition, mage have lots 2/2 3/3 slots just for the sake of making you spend points, totally trash tree.
Gotta say.
I’m pretty underwhelmed here. I keep wanting to love mage for at least one of its specs but these talents…just aren’t making the class seem dynamic. Pretty stale and just a lot of the same again.
I’ll reserve judgement until I’ve played it, but I really like that there’s some old school mage flavor coming back with things like Cone of Cold and Shatter in the class tree. Potentially paths for less reliance on Combustion in Fire is also welcome.
I really, really hope that the mutli-school class tree aspects make it to the release version. Since MoP, it hasn’t felt right casting a single school almost exclusively.
I’m in the same boat. I’ve always wanted to love mage but every expansion it just seems less and less interesting to me. These trees have by far been the least interesting yet for me.
Thrilled to have SKB back but welcoming other diverse playstyles next expansion. Messing around with the calculator it will feel weird and take getting used to having spells in our base kit as talents now.
Am I wrong, but if fire wants Shifting Power there are gong to be wasted points in Frigid Winds. Fire isnt going to have any snare.
Looks very promising.
Arcane mages can recreate the current Kyrian Arcane build which plays pretty well.
In some ways it will be considerably stronger than on live, able to have things like shatter and even meteor, plus increased barrage damage against targets below 50% health. Probably will lose Arcane Orb but looks to be gaining a lot more than it is losing.
I also like how the talent tree looks like it has a lot of meat in it. There aren’t many “damage of X ability increased by 3% per stack” type talents.
Based on 10 minutes of playing around with the tree, this looks like a substantial buff if it goes live like this.
Another upside is it looks like arcane mages will regain the ability to AOE using Cone of Cold to slow and Arcane Explosion for damage.
Frost tree is everything I could’ve dreamed of TBH. Single target Icy Propulsion so the CDR actually feels meaningful. Overall feels like the Legion artifacts with the best parts of BFA/SL.
Just hope to god it doesn’t interact with Glacial Assault. You prob don’t take GA in M+ because Ice Lance/Frozen Orb/Blizzard eat into Flurry’s globals on multitarget, but getting extra crit RNG to reduce the CD of Veins on top of already getting more crits with better Flurry reset RNG through the two following ice lances would be pretty dumb
I’d sub out the Ice Block heal & absorb on Blink use talents for something way more interactive, like Impact stun or Deep Freeze. Or honestly, even give us another option node to pick between the other spec’s armors. (Idea is Frost Armor is baseline for Frost, etc - but you have another to swap to mid-arena. Like pre-empt a polymorph by swapping to Mage Armor. Molten Armor when the rogue’s training you. A lot more interesting.)
Also don’t know if Wildfire for Fire spec really deserves to be a 2-point trait. It was a one-and-done in BFA because the Pyro buff and not the stat scaler was the only thing you cared about. Idk if the crit buff (esp during combustion, that’s just DR’d mastery) is really interesting enough to deserve the other point.
Really don’t think Shifting Power is so interesting that it needed to be kept around either.
I am… not dissatisfied with this initial iteration of the trees! Sure there’s definite room for improvement, and I am sure as heck going to be super sub optimal because:
a) I don’t want the Spark/Harmony playstyle
b) I don’t want Arcane Orb
c) And I honestly don’t want Touch of the Magi but will take it if Arcane Bombardment actually does what the talent currently says it does when maxed out (Arcane Barrage does 50% more damage to targets below 100% hp though that seems like it’s backwards so we’ll have to see)
In any case, as sub optimal as I’ll be, I can mostly avoid all the stuff I dislike with this current version! Sure I’ll do sub par damage compared to people to spec “properly” but I’ll ENJOY how it plays far more than I would otherwise!
If the tree went live as is currently, I’d spec something like this:
It’s sad that I’d have to still deal with Touch of the Magi, but at least it’ll be instant in Dragonflight. I wish I could have found points for Arcane Familiar and Arcane power though.
It would be really nice if Alexstrasza’s Fury also increased the range of Dragon’s Breath. I have absolutely no intention of getting into borderline melee range just to make full use of it.