Mage or warlock. Which in your opinion is more fun?

Well duh Warrior :sunglasses:

demo lock looks cool, all the demons. Even though they’re actually just demon-shaped projecties

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It is one of the least played class because some people do not like to be the the bad guy archtype.

Ehh you can kite pretty much anything, I’ve carried dungeon runs on my mage from kiting an almost wipe.

Warlocks have gotten worse and worse and we’re the least played dps class by a high margin for a reason

It seems warlock is the answer. I think agree in this after testing

Warlock hands down. Or hands in the air! Warlock makes it easy to tackle things you might need another person or two for. Warlock specs are a lot of fun too.

My mage is super squishy while my voidwalker goes brrrrr.

I have both as Main. I find both really fun but If I had to pick I would choose warlock.
A)diferents SPEC rotation and more Fun IMO
B) demo and destro warlock has better animation IMO
C) both looks equally cool IMO but I prefer mage
D) warlock

Depends if you want to be robed mancer of a certain spell school or element, or if you want to be a DoT damage dealer or a hard caster. Also depends if you want to manage pet keybinds and macros or not