Mage or Warlock for WWI?

Hello everyone. I don’t post hardly ever, but wanted to begin. I wanted to ask for a few thoughts and opinions from others that play the classes or mage and warlock.

Here is the fast run down:
I’ve been playing since TBC off and on, but never far away.
I’ve always played melee classes.
Really want to get into a range class that I can really advance with.
Currently playing and in love with MOP Remix.
I’ve leveled a boomkin, don’t much like it.
I’m playing mage and warlock pretty evenly and love them both.
Having a hard time deciding which to make my new main. (I do play a lot of alts, but I’m talking the main I’ll use as my warband lead and really push with here).

I love the fantasy and theme of warlock.
I know that mage and lock are usually pretty close in meta (so not a concern).
Biggest thing is I want a fast and mobile class, (not interested in hunter).

Warlock’s Burning Rush is a fav of mine, but I read a lot that mage has even better mobility, can someone please explain that. How are they faster than locks movement?

Again I’m still leveling both and learning, but wanted to ask the range experts. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks everyone!

Not sure I can add anything important but the warlocks have a cool tier set. :robot::sweat_drops:


They are not.
Mages only have blink as a consistent movement option, which is nothing compared to any other class.

In terms of sustained movement speed over a long time, with the proper movement talents, the classes are ordered as such (in 2021):

S tier: Shaman > Druid > Hunter > Monk
A tier: Rogue > Warrior > Warlock > DH
B tier: Mage > Priest > DK > Paladin


Pre-evoker post, there have been some changes, but it’s reasonably accurate still.
Evokers would be A tier, since htey also get Glide (178% speed) and hover/zephyr, and VDH would be S tier S tier since VDH get the mastery buff now too and HDH gains a speed buff after fel rush. Mastery stacking puts DH in the #1 spot, followed by shamans.

Warlocks have on demand burning rush.
Warlocks are more versatile for solo play too thanks to the voidwalker, and are more useful to groups thanks to their unique utilities like summons, gate and healthstones.

Mages usually have a better damage profile.


It’s sad that you don’t love Balance Druid. :sob:

But Warlock is my second favorite class…pick that one. Trust me. :sweat_smile:

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I think being a Mage during World War 1 would be more beneficial. Can move troops across the trench lines using portals.

However, summoning hoards of demons to overwhelm the enemy would also be useful.

We have blink, which is super useful, Alter Time that can be used as a defensive but also for getting back to where you were if you utilize it before a stacking mechanic, it’s a 2 for 1 deal right there, heals you back up and returns you to your previous location. There’s also talents that using Alter Time resets the cooldown on a blink charge I believe. We also don’t have as many hard casts so it’s easier to move around when needed.


Mages would just be food/water despensers again, but beloved by the troops.
No mans land is no demon land too.

Warlock’s burning rush is good getting to point a to b, but blink is still a much improved movement in battle.


Warlock … Eye of Kilrogg.

Dude im in the exact same boat as you!

In pve od say warlock has better mobility since burning rush has no cooldown and u can always use it im never lagging behind. Mt mage howver has to walk when both blinks are used so im forced to use instant spells until the tank stops moving rhe pack.

Im leaning more towards warlock myself since its more tanky and has a pet. Plus its turret like gameplay is more fun to me then any of the mage specs although ill have to tey the new arcane in prepatch.

I love battlegrounds and that seems to heavy favor warlock but in arena mages slipperness really helps it out.

I think a mage would be far more useful during World War I. There was a serious shortage of rations for the soldiers on the battlefield - conjuring food would be an immensely valuable skill. But yet again, health stones probably would’ve been clutch too.


Either one should work because the Germans don’t have any way to stop you.

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Mage would have been very useful for world war one.

The teleport would have saved a lot of soldiers on D-day and with conjure they would never go hungry

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I think this thread is evidence enough as to why it’s TWW and not WWI.

Also Conrad Von Hotzendorf was an idiot but he had a brilliant name and a massive mustache

Clearly would play a human male paladin if WoW existed back then.


Rofl I wanna give everybody a hug. :hugs:

I always felt the warlock was faster but the mages had better spells for doing old content and stuff.

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Not only that but the word ‘within’ doesn’t abbreviate to WI. That’s just silly.

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This is true, we’re basically a walking, talking food replicator.

I couldn’t help myself :joy: It’s also a fun thing to think about ahaha.

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I always say that if there’s one spell I could take out of WoW into irl, it’d be conjuring food. The calories I create don’t count. :smirk:

Personally I’d go warlock for WWI. Summon an army of demons to do the fighting for you. Especially if this is Legion-era demons were talking about, who are immortal and reborn in the Twisting Nether when they die. An undying army? Sheesh.

Even further proof that warlocks would be best — demons don’t need to eat and if they do, they can just eat their enemies.

LOL…lol thanks everyone for the great advice. I did post WWI instead of TWW hahah :smiley: opps :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m still playing them both in Remix trying to decide, even thinking about trying heals again, (first time since Wrath and hated it then). Currently leaning to lock though.

Anyway thanks everyone for the laughs, :smiley:

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Warlock does a lot of standing still, tanking hits, and has slower cast times.

Mage is fast, blinks, teleports, roots, slows, freezes, and can go invisible.

Arcane is the spec for going super fast while slowing everyone else way tf down