Mage or Lock?

mage or warlock, your opinion

depends on what you want to do.

Mage is more convenient. Warlocks take off when they start getting hit gear but you will always be tethered to curses and soul shards. The worst part of being a mage is crafting food/water before raids.

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Warlocks are mushrooms. Go mage.

Why not both?

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Paladin THE PALADIN Guild - Welcome

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I’ve seen this exact thread like 5 times this week… Something in the conjured water?

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sqruirtlejuice is such a good name

Ive always usually used Twistonix

I’ve read that the best mages in Classic are frost, but for rp purposes I prefer arcane. Are those decent in PvE and PvP?

Let get into locks a bit here.

Generally though Mages have better strengths while Locks are more well rounded.

We’re starting with 1.12 which is fantastic for locks because early on in vanilla they were awful.
On PvP servers there are a good deal more locks on horde than Alliance. Will of the Forsaken and Orc have great racials, and alliance don’t have a fear break racial anyways.
Gnomes are Amazing Locks and mages. Extra INT and Escape artist are great for PvE and PvP not to mention the + Egi skill for PvP.

Mages are glass cannons with frost damage so they top the charts early and often. Lock scale CONSIDERABLY better with gear like warriors do. That T2 and AQ40+ gear is a world of difference I hear. Locks have 2 raiding specs one early on and one later.

Soul Shard farming can be a pain, (there are addons that help manage then in bags) but if your farming mobs for gold anyways who cares? Besides a lock reliable enough to summon everyone stands out in a raid.

Locks do really well in PvP and have multiple PvP specs will different play styles.

Leveling is easy with locks and mages. farming is easy mages just have better AoE farm with their cc.

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