Inevitable is recruiting for Heroic Raiding and Mythic+!
The core of Inevitable was started by a handful of veteran WoW players at the beginning of Legion as Forlorn on Dalaran[A] with the goal of being a top-tier heroic and Mythic+ focused guild that cultivated a fun, laid back community with what we call a seriously-casual atmosphere. After being successful throughout Legion, BFA killed the drive for a lot of our players and while most of us stayed in touch the raid group went their separate ways.
We decided to get the band back together for Shadowlands and are looking for more players to round out our roster!
Here’s a snapshot of Shadowlands Season 1:
- Heroic Denathrius killed pre-nerfs.
- Multiple groups pushed KSM.
- Those interested in PvP pushed to at least 1800 rating in RBGs.
- Glory of the Nathria Raider
As a community we pride ourselves on taking the game seriously but having fun doing it. Gambling while killing trash, fun transmog contests, themed raid nights, and bounties for killing certain players on farm bosses are a few examples of our focus on fun.
Our core philosophy comes down to a phrase you may be familiar with: Be Excellent To Each Other.
Current Needs:
- Ranged DPS
- Select Melee DPS
- DPS with Tank/Heal off-spec for M+
Raid Info/Requirements:
Heroic Progression:
Huntsman Altimor
Hungering Destroyer
Lady Inerva Darkvein
Sun King’s Salvation
Artificer Xy’mox
The Council of Blood
Stone Legion Generals
Sire Denathrius
Mythic Progression:
- Huntsman Altimor
- Hungering Destroyer
- Lady Inerva Darkvein
- Sun King’s Salvation
- Artificer Xy’mox
- The Council of Blood
- Sludgefist
- Stone Legion Generals
- Sire Denathrius
Raid Nights: Tues, Wed, Thurs 6pm CST/ 7pm EST
We raid two of the above nights a week on a set rotation due to two members working 24 hour shifts. I promise it’s not confusing!
210+ iLVL is required as well as decent experience at Heroic level raiding. Recent logs are also requested; we’re not expecting orange parses but would like to see blues at the least.
Part of our seriously-casual atmosphere is an expectation of basic homework before progression fights as well as proper enchants, gems, combat potions, weapon stones/oils, and a supply of personal health potions. The game isn’t that hard, don’t make it harder! Brink2T#1453
Discord: Brink#0072
We look forward to raiding with you!