Mage LF 2 Day Raiding Guild (Mythic)

Why hello there,

I am a mage who is looking to get back into some semi-serious raiding with Dragonflight coming out. I started raiding mythic in legion at the beginning and pretty much raided mythic the entire expansion, but before that did most of the raids I participated in on heroic.
–EN: 3/6, 4/6 after ToV released
–ToV: 2/3
–Nighthold: 3/10, guild broke up, I took a break
–Tomb of Sarg: 5/10 Log
–Antorus: 5/11 Log
—Got to 8/11, but only have logs for 5/11 as I switched to priest.

I took a break for the beginning of BFA because guild fell apart at mythic Coven and I heard lots of not great things about BFA. Came back at end of BFA, got into a guild and ended up going some 140+ pulls on mythic N’zoth. Have the logs, but never ended up getting a kill.

That guild went through to CN and ended up getting to Sire, but couldn’t land the kill and fell apart shortly after.


Ever since I’ve been focusing more on pvp/m+ and just hanging out with some friends in game, but I’m very much looking forward to DF and really miss the high-end raids.

Discord is Zeta#3401 if you care to chat/have questions please feel free to reach out. I’m also thinking about playing DH as an alt.