Can you please address mages in PvP? It’s been asked before and seems to fall on deaf ears. Mage is quite literally the worst caster in the game for any spec when it comes to PvP. Our strongest damage ability is between two 3 second casts (FFB/BFB), and both of them do less damage than a Hunter’s autoshot, even with crit. Not to mention casters aren’t even casting in SoD because its nearly impossible to get long casts off to do damage.
IDK if there’s even a point in me making this thread. Hopefully someone agrees and this gets some traction. PvP, regardless of how many buffs you give to honor gain, is not fun at the moment because some classes just feel like absolute dog turds while others feel like they’re cheating with how strong they are.
Not trying to dog on Blizz here, but how can they expect us to feel confident in their ability to do Classic+ correctly when SoD has been such a mess on a huge pillar of the game for classic (PvP). PvP in classic wasn’t perfectly balanced, and I get that. I’m not asking for a perfect balance, I’m asking for the devs to do a bit more tuning rather than a hands-off blanket approach which only sees the strong classes get stronger and the weaker classes get weaker.
Truly a sad state of affairs.
Mage PvP buffs literally wouldn’t even require much dev time.
They just need to buff the mage’s damage abilities by x% and that can be ramped up slowly to make sure it isn’t over-buffed.
They can absolutely make it a PvP only buff because the engine is built off of the 2016 Legion engine, not the OG classic engine. That prevents mages from getting too strong in PvE content, but also gives us a buff to our dps abilities in PvP.
When Mage only has 2-3 instant cast buttons compared to most other classes do little to no damage it is a problem. Our casted buttons like Frostbolt, Frostfire Bolt, Fireball, and Spellfrost Bolt do less damage than many other classes auto-attacks. Right now with the stamina buffs and full PvP gear most classes have between 7000-15000 HP with some being even higher when they use full consumes. If my 3 second cast does less than 20% of someone’s health bar then it pretty much makes the ability pointless. If I can get a 2.5 to 3 second cast off on someone in a fight it should be rewarding. It should do a lot of damage.
The main abilities that NEED a buff are as follows:
- Ice Barrier
(This capstone talent for frost is a joke atm and only shields for like 800 dmg. When auto attacks are doing over the amount that the barrier shields for it is obvious that it’s too weak - especially with a 30 second CD.)
- Ice Lance
(Only spell in the entire game that doesn’t scale with spell power, and it’s the main dmg ability for mages when we use Frozen Orb to eat our Fingers of Frost procs. This ability at minimum needs to be taken off of the GCD. It currently hits for about 600-700 damage, and only hits that hard IF you have a Fingers of Frost proc. When you don’t have a proc it hits for like 120 damage lol.)
- Frostbolt
(Scaled super low, and the blanket spell damage nerf they put in hurts it even worse. Shatters don’t feel good or satisfying to use this button on. Hits for negligible damage. It’s a 2.5 second cast that when talented currently hits for 650-900 damage on average, even with a shatter.)
- Frostfire Bolt
(Just as bad as Frostbolt when it comes to scaling in PvP. We are lucky when we get a 1500 as a crit from Shatter. Most of the time it hits for between 700-900. For a 3 second cast this is unacceptable – If I get a full 3 second cast off in a fight it should be rewarding for me and do a lot of damage.)
- Scorch
(Again, same problem as the others. Short cast time, so it shouldn’t do as much damage as a Frostbolt or FFB, but it certainly shouldn’t only hit for 150-200 dmg. Dot ticks do more damage than this cast does.)
- Cone of Cold
(And another with the same issue. Scaling too low. This doesn’t need AS BIG of a buff, but it should still hit harder than it does. Sometimes you can get a shatter crit for 800-900 if you get really lucky.)
I think starting with a blanket 10-15% buff on ALL mage DPS abilities would be a good start. Then they could adjust from there to see where the chips fall, whether they need to up it a bit more or lower it if it scales too hard with crit (even though I doubt it would).
I keep hoping that as people comment on this post it will get some sort of attention. Everyone on the forums is in agreement that Mages need help when it comes to PvP and that we are at the absolute bottom of the totem pole compared to everyone. Our damage is negligible, and our healing spec that they designed specifically for SoD has so many problems with being clunky on top of the main buff for said healing being dispellable.
I would appreciate it if everyone would keep talking about this, and responding to this post. If we keep it near the top and get enough engagement it could possibly force their hand to at least look at the class at minimum.