Mage, Hunter, Warrior, Rogue

If you are a player that enjoys playing a class spce that Blizzard has ignored or refused to upgrade to a viable spec in raids, Please post, post, and post. Re-post until Blizzard gets the hint and does something about it.

Blizzard has said in the past, people should be able to play the class and spec they enjoy without being pigeon holed into a cookie cutter spec. No one is asking to be over powered or chart toppers, but make specs viable.

If you don’t make it know, through post on the forums or submitting suggetions in game, Blizzard will just ignore the classes and force you into the pigeon hole specs. Force them to make changes, you pay your monthly fees like everyone else and should enjoy playing the game. It’s not like this is really “classic” anymore.

Hunters are fine, What’s the problem?


Probably the fact that blizzard in their infinite wisdom made a bunch of boring specs the meta for Cata in an attempt to spice things up back in the day, so now as a hunter you have to go survival to not get vote kicked because the cooler spec, beast mastery is weak as hell. Same with fury being balls for warrior, combat sucking for rogue, and well mage gets it okay I guess cuz fire is cool, but all the other ones got shafted.

Also, who the hell wants to go demonology? No one. Destro all the way. I HATE that demonology is the meta spec. Demonology is stupid as hell. Enhance is also cool, been my favorite for years, guess which one is the weakest spec? Freaking enhance.

All the cool specs are garbage in Cata.

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All 3 rogue specs are very viable right now, infact within 3% of each other.


Warrior is the only one is a really bad spot, fury and prot are very very weak until later content. Everything else you mentioned is just kinda wrong… feels more like you want the spec you like to be the best, not just viable. Because enhance shammy does perfectly fine dps for hc raids. All 3 rogue specs are viable. Even seen a few BM hunters do decent, they wont compete with survival, but they do enough dps for hc encounters.

If people only focus purely on the meta, yea they arent picked up super often, but if you know how to play them you can progress in heroic on pretty much any spec you want.


So are you saying that all those tier lists that say that all rogue specs on the low end are wrong?


What tier lists? Rogues have great cleave and competitive single target right now.

Mages and UHDK are over performing?

You assumed the rest of the pack was under performing.

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I would like to see Frost mage pve not be terrible.

Lol surprised he doesnt have Feral DPS listed on here.

Every class has a Viable PvE and PvP spec every spec

why does EVERY single spec of EVERY single class have to be Viable? if you want that go play retail this is classic!!!

Quit crying for changes and enjoy the game to as close to orginal as we can get. if you dont like it go play retail. Knowone is forcing you to play classic.

and if you wanna play a class/spec thats not meta go find a guild that will allow this but stop requesting blizzard cater to you more then they already do.

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You’re just complaining to complain…:roll_eyes::roll_eyes: Almost nothing you said was true

I just find it amusing that people come to a classic re-release and ask for Blizzard to make balance changes.


right stop asking for changes in a game thats being rereleased

I solo tank ST on my rogue. It feels pretty good.

lol i solo tank classic dungeons all the time to nothing to brag about when your level 85 i would hope you can clear lowbie dungeons without dying

Well I cannot lie. I can’t wait till MM gets lonewolf talent to not need a pet out. But that comes much later.

But joking aside I 85’d mine last night and its nice that at least most stuff I have seen gems and such for both BM and MM use the same things. I’ll be able to switch BM and MM and the gems would still be the same 2nd BIS. Number 1 choices are prices I won’t be paying lol.

As I reread up on MM as its my usual end game hunter spec it gets nice CC options. Since many in the Heroic rants are going dps is not doing CC…well hunters can do that. If they put it on the bar. retail side I ran pvp goaled hunter in pve.

CC and non dps casts are part of the hunter tool kit in pvp. I don’t magically forget I have them in pve.

You’re not gonna be able to play Beast mastery and not get made fun of or kicked for lower dps than a level 82 survival hunter.

lol are you really complaining about the prices of gems i think agi gems are like 40-50g each and all the others are 4-8g

Also who plays BM??? Surv is S tier marks is A tier is you know how to play the class B tier if your an alright player

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He wants every spec of every class to be viable. Its a bit silly, but I kinda get it. Im playing arms warrior at the moment and do great. Aside from a spec here and there, most seem to be on par, but Blizzard has always had issues of getting all specs up to par at launch.

I will use BM to collect Ben’thalos. And run that for solo quest/dailie stuff. I miss my spirit owl. A Retail hunter collected 2 of them even for dual ben’thalos when I run that talent setup.

Group instances it be SV or MM. I am easy here. Others out there…they jsut have to be that 1 spec. UBU applies as them, its their time and dime as I like to say.