Mage, Hunter, Warrior, Rogue

Bro wut, you do know destro lock are basically with demo locks. People want demo locks because they’re good damage and they bring a lot of raid buffs and utility with them. All of the specs are within a couple hundred dps of each other except Fury and Frost. Literally play want you want and stop making excuses for why you are under preforming.

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wait how is hunter bad, this is the 2nd best expansion for hunters, our best was TBC but this is a close 2nd, and it only goes downhill from here

This is a cata classic thread

Who’d want to go Demonology? Idk, the same people who think Beast Mastery should be viable? One gets it’s damage from pets, and the other gets it’s damage from… pets…

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I thought we were on SoD forums my bad.

You just named the top dps parsing easiest rotation, most gear non dependent classes :sweat_smile:, throw in pally and you got them all. If anything those classes need a gear/ilvl balence to dps they require the least gear to do the max dps then plateau. I.E 510-515 assassin rogue can sit there and do 300-400k+ sustained boss dps even if they stink. Warriors are a hair behind but have more choke points in ilvl. Mages are pretty dominant again a lot of ilvl choke points. Hunters held top almost entire expac till pallys overtook lead but you can faceroll dps aoe and st with little gear, a good weapon and you can roll out.

Other classes can pull ok aoe but pull bottum parce st, or got railed for blizz changing its favorite spec for them and stat weights being different for each dps spec. But then really have to work up to max ilvl to compete with other classes who have lowe ilvl. Stat balence by ilvl accross all classes is Blizzards biggest issue right now followed by rotations difficulties to do equal damage.

No blizz needs to buff fire mages so the combustion isnt so RNG


I dunno about you, but I’m havin a lot of fun on the Arms Warr right now. I just boosted him, but after buying the starter gear (289) on the AH, I’m tearing it up while questing. Same with my Sub Rogue, I stunlock everything to death, they can’t even get a hit in. Plus Recuperate heals for a lot, love it.

For me though, I’m just not having fun with Hunters in Cata, not speaking for anybody else. Mages for me aren’t fun either, so squishy.

Make fun of me all you want, but I also find DKs kind of boring to play.

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almost every class has a fun spec to play i always tell people to play what they enjoy feral druid is broken in pvp but in PvE the dps is ehhhh but its a hybrid class lol

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I’ve been demo since I started in TBCC. Seems like a you problem tbh.

Demo is a mess of a spec this expansion imo, MoP redesign was much needed.

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Demo is awful in cata as far as design goes. MoP rework is great for Demo, but personally i really hated what they did to Affliction and Destro in that expansion (and every expansion after).

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