no bro, for sure not.
basically yeah
yeah i experienced it on my lock earlier in skirms lol. I knew duel was broken but because I don’t play for 1shots I didn’t really have the perspective lol. Absolutely nuts. Not even gameplay. It’s just as silly as any insert expansion/class/spec complaint as you can think of.
I think lock shield might be one of the only exceptions. BUt thankfully i’d already used mine on the rogues WW partner when he popped so. lol.
yeah well. i just realized i had 400k on my bank alt. Guess I’m leveling in tbc now.
why don’t you go post on the solo play forum
The problem is that mages burst and for some specs, the sustain is in a good spot. So all they do is pop damage and then kite for the remainder of the game. Now, I am ok with that. Use that mobility and cc to live long enough to find and exploit weakness i the enemy. The problem is the second part is wayyy to easy with the healing/cc. I have seen mages double blink, wasting mobility while missing their root- and still take no damage. And of course if all the shields, free passive healing, waste of mobility and roots don’t keep you alive- just block to full health while your rogue gets that sap on the healer. It is just to much.
Xaryu also doesn’t think rogue mage is S tier so not a credible source in being objective about his own class
This is wrong and you know it. Even against teams that can purge spam the mage the healing is still insane and if you’re a team with no purge it’s that much worse. Also swapping to blazing soul and having blink stun + the cc trinket is horribly toxic and allows mages to play in a very degenerate way.
Because fire is still s tier with many toxic elements in its design.
Thinking about when all the Fire mages and Rets thought their specs would be unplayable in SL
You know, because they couldn’t fire blast twice, pyro then claw somebody for 70% of their health
You don’t like my opinion so I should leave? Why are you being rude to me? It’s very uncalled for.
My opinion is that there are things that synergize incredibly well with fire mages, but in reality, fire mages aren’t in the greatest spot. You can disagree, but there’s no need to tell me to go away. =/
what a weird reaction. no, that isn’t what i or anyone else said. you’re in the wrong forum; your posts are clearly aimed for the solo play forum. you would be better off posting there!
No, I really don’t get it. With all the addons people have, don’t tell me you’re unable to track when the mage has combust ready. If they do, you just got to play more defensively, because you know that they’ll attempt some sort of cross-cc.
The person who’s really able to kill nearly on their own in a RMP is the rogue. They have some of the craziest cc in the game, mixed with stuns and nutty mobility. And people are concerned about the person who’s dangerous 10 sec every +/- minute.
tacit admission that unlike almost every class in the game, the availability of combust is a matter of mathematics and not counting
yeah just play defensively as the comp with shimmer rof in the pocket pushes up on you slowly, absorbs all of your pressure with overtuned barriers and recovers the shimmer cd faster than you recover the leap/port you need to protect another migration. they won’t drop the 321 on you for free if you leave the pillar for 1 second
the nth thing wrong with modern rmp is that there is no safe way to position to deny their go. they can all be anywhere on the map instantly
maybe you just haven’t crafted disciplinary command, but this is just a lie. mage contribution to a kill is extremely relevant, and could even become slightly more so when they get the shifting power legendary next week.
Shifting power leggo won’t change anything. You only get 1% haste/crit per target hit, per pulse so 3% per target. Maybe if it was like a 30% haste/crit buff it would be nutty lol.
Casting it while moving won’t change anything bc if you cast and move, you run off your 15% haste buff on ground from dreamweaver lol. Ideally you have it for combust go to reset the go during combust for a huge swap.
I’m sure there will be some situations where you cast it and run and get a bust back in time as you avoid interruption and maybe win or lose based off that condition.
Over-all though it doesn’t really come to the same galaxy as other class leggos who get massive power spikes from 2nd, like rogues, hunters, warriors, warlocks to name a few.
If mirrors of torment was undispellable and and leggo brought its cd down it would be comparable but currently none of the cov leggos really change much in PVP for mages.
no flame but we’ve had this talk, i know where you stand on it and i firmly disagree
Which you’re welcome to. With no damage buffs provided by it, no flat damage increase on abilities, no additional CD reduction provided.
It does absolutely nothing different then what it does now. Other then granting you the ability to move while you cast it and insignificant amount of secondary stats in the form of 1-3% haste/crit. Its a PVE based legendary largely and for movement fights/ M+.
That being said shifting does pulse like 4-5k a hit during combustion so if you are in a position to whack someone in a kidney with it its nifty, if you won’t break other CC’s.
Covenant legendary itself provides nothing additional then what it already does though, other then the ability to move with it, and walk off your own haste flowers. 0 + 0 = 0. Nothing gained nothing lost.
Trying to put that in the same ballpark as hunter/rogue/warlock/warrior legendary powerspikes to name some is borderline trolling
nobody’s trying to do that
the word slightly here was not an accident. 4piece is not a slight increase for any of those other specs
10 is less than 100 but greater than 1
In the entirety of shadowlands no mage has crafted that cov leggo for PVE or PVP. If I give you an ability, and then give you a legendary that does nothing for that same ability other then to move and channel it and takes a legendary slot and say
“Well hey you can cast and move with it now!”
Did it make you stronger? There is no hidden math or benefits here. Idk why you would even try to argue that with a straight face. the 6 ivls on the boots gained from it give more benefit then the legendary effect itself lol
i know you don’t, you’ll just have to have some faith or wait it out another few days
Well if your position is the ilvl gain from 285 vs 291 is your POV then your correct. I’m sure from a PVE and parsing standpoint the 0.00085% damage gained is damage you didn’t have before.
I would be happy to admit my misinformed position. You should do some parses to further reinforce it with on and off.
If your position is its a game changer in PVP then i feel pretty trolled and i’ll go on my way you win this round.