Mage feels really bloated or over complicated

Mage has laughable sustain. The “we’re slippery” design just doesn’t work the same when you’re on your own

No pruning is not needed. Just because You and others cant handle having multiple tools some of us actually enjoy having them.

I had 97 in Cata. 25 is perfectly fine

Agreed, pruning is definitely needed. They could start by fixing the baseline abilities, removing the bloat, combining some of the half-dozen defensives, and removing superfluous abilities that exist elsewhere (while also reducing this for other classes, for the purpose of balance).

Still salty about losing RoP I see…

Back in my day, we had 400 key binds, and had to use them while standing on our heads, in the snow. But seriously, I’m declaring bollocks on that. Cata comes out in a few weeks, so we’ll see how many keybinds players actually had, and how many they actually needed.

There’s one in every forum. P1: “Mages are bad from a gameplay perspective” P2: “Rankings say Mage is good, qq more”. Output is irrelevant at this point, when there are glaring issues with the core gameplay, and the bloated talent trees do nothing to help it.


You misread what I said. No to pruning. People can pick the passives if they want less.


To arena yes I had 5 of every bind.

Disarm arena 12345
Blind arena 12345
Shiv arena 12345

Ect ect. So call bollocks all you want too but I had them.

For once Im with Snozex for this one

if you want to play a simple mage and spam frostbolt all day, no one is stopping you from doing that, or having a simple build that isnt meta. Just go back to classic if you need something similar. This is the most fun I’ve had with frost mage in a long time and Ill be damned if a few people dont like it, wanting to ruin it for the rest of us.


I suggest listening to Taylor Swift while looking at a mirror…

No one is trying to “ruin” anything. Almost everyone who has talked about this issue on the forums has only asked for the game as a whole to be more streamlined and modernized. And it’s not “a few people” it’s the majority by far. Those desperately trying to cling to the bloated status quo are the few.

And let me turn that “go play Classic” argument around: why don’t you go download a piano simulator and play that if you’re so keen on smashing two dozen keys in a precise sequence?


The forums are an extreme minority of the playerbase though so nothing from the forums can be considered a majority.

Because it’s not even that serious. People wanting less buttons have the options to only run passive talents.

Don’t be mad because y’all ignore your options and want the game simplified so anyone can play it.

Of course it’s not “that serious” it’s a game. Nothing about it is serious. That said, where are the options? If you currently want to play a Frost mage but don’t want to run Glacial Spike you simply can’t play a Frost mage, not effectively at any rate. Sure, technically you have the option not to take certain talents just like you technically have the option to take no talents at all. Doesn’t mean it’s a viable option.

If you choose to run passive talents you should do lower damage. I’m not sure what you’re talking about. The options are there.

If you aren’t pushing mythic raiding or high keys everything is literally viable.

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Well they technically have that in FFXIV lmao.

Listen I understand the frustration of having to learn a new spec after it has been revamped and expanded. Maybe we do need to bring the pendulum swing back a little bit to clean up the complexity.

However, the next xpac is going to introduce a whole new slew of talents and builds. Im sure theres going to be some that are super 600IQ tryhard epic dps 100parse, and some that are easier but maybe only get 90 parse. It really depends on what you’re doing in the game, my advice is to find a casual raiding guild that isnt going to bust your balls for not being the meta spec.

so the idea of pruning at this time just seems redundant.

No it’s not. You can’t even do Normal let alone Heroic without running a Glacial Spike build. Even ancillary things like Ray or Frost are a massive DPS loss if you choose to opt out. It’s not a question of doing less damage if you choose a less bloated build it means doing no damage at all. Glacial Spike alone probably accounts for upwards of 80% of your damage.


Yes you can. Nothing is forcing you to run GS.

As it should be. If you take passive talents you should have a huge loss. That’s the trade off.

The only way you do no damage is if you don’t push buttons

Not in S4.

ATM its possible to run 2 old T-Pieces but lose around 4-5 GS and run a NOT-Glacial build yes. But you lose kinda 20k DPS.

In S4 you cannot do that anymore bec. the gap between the new T-pieces and the old will be kinda 90 ilvl or so.
So no: Glacial is the only viable option in S4…sadly! :confused:

If you aren’t pushing mythic and don’t want to run GS no one is forcing you. Just don’t run tier set

Glacial is the viable option in mythic. Everything is viable in heroic and below.

Without T-Set and the other spec its not even viable.

Viable for me is in a range of dunno 10-20k DPS maybe.

But you lose TOO much without it.
Its just bad tier-set design. It should support more than 1 ability.

Everything is viable in heroic and below. Especially this tier.

If you’re only doing heroic then killing the. It’s is viable.

Nah it’s fine as is.

There we have diff. opinions.

There is a too big gap between the t-set-spec and all others.
It just makes no sense if you spec into something that your t-set does not support.

And most grps esp. on hero or higher keys will not invite you or even kick you if you do not have the +common+ spec.

So its a big difference sadly.

Hopefully in the future there will be 1. less buttons to press and 2. better t-sets and 3. the return of the perma-pet <3

We do. I also hold zero sympathy for people who choose passives over the spec as designed.

It should be a big gap

Yeah gonna call BS. I have never been kicked for running affliction in any key.

And there should be.

They hopefully will not do another pruning

The tier sets are fine.

Mages aren’t a pet class

Lucky you! :slight_smile:
Even in SL as Frost or later if i did not spec +correct+ due to some people i have been kicked out of keys for example ^^

And nope the T-sets are not fine as i mentioned above but youre blind due to the imbalance of only 1 viable +playstyle+ thats just bad design.

And a class have room and should have room for more than 1 playstyle. Thats making a class +spec intresting :slight_smile: even if its not your cup of tea, other people like it! So be a bit more open minded :slight_smile: (and yes, mage had a pet for 14 y…so it WAS a pet class, even if you do not like it pal!)

Hopefully we will see less bloated builds in the next addon.
And hopefully with out perma-pet again <3 :wink: