Iconoclast, NE Druid
-former Rank 13
-former 29, 39, and 49 twink
-former s3, 4, 5 gladiator
Guildus, Human Paladin
-former s3, 4 gladiator
Guilds: , ,
Talk about nostalgia, I can recognize all of the names here including the long list in Hammerhock’s list. Just some more off the top of the head:
Paanky, Tugger, Fizzle, Destin, Visitor, Vex, Biscuit, Meesta, Minaku, Chibbymoon
Bashere Gnome Mage
Undertow, Versus, Quite Quintessential, Perfect Circle, Chronic Illness, Fires of Tirisfal, The Frozen Alliance
Planning to play at re-launch with Guildus and Athanati(Nuvo)
Human Warrior
Lost Legion
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• Dracus - Night Elf - Rogue
• The Thundering Legion - Owners of Maelstrom Server.
• Looking for TTL crew and haters that remember the hate! I’ll comeback if the TTL crew comes back. if not I pass :). Btw I can text le bootstrap.
Not bad. Huntress hibernated for a decade but we started playing again in late Legion. We still have members with “last played: 8 years ago” and things like that. The “twins” shtick doesn’t really work as well on live, as forging makes it impossible to get exact gear matches and transmog makes it too easy to get matched looks.
We’re going to try Classic out, but I honestly don’t know where we’ll end up. We’re not interested in doing the honor grind again, and while we’d like to do raiding a little more successfully this time around, roleplay friendly raids will probably be just as difficult to organize as before.
Leveling on a new server was what was the most fun, so at least we’ll have that again.
Night elf warrior. Kinda bumbled around started raiding late and I was a youngster at the time. Recognize some names. Wow what a trip.
I remember you. This is crazy ha.
Aayla, Human, Paladin
The Shadow Watch, The Remnants, The Thundering Legion
Frummps, Praecor, Monkeyd, Lyriel, Ogden, Slith, Naomi, Savant, Vax, Ignition, Gattaca, Hale, Audry, Eladamri, Szind, Valious, Draeth, Rohk, Marric, Desolator, Nelle and anyone else around from the old days.
So now that name reservations are under way, what realm(s) will all you folks be rolling on this time? I reserved names on Grobbulus, Herod and Bloodsail Buccaneers.
Hey! I was in NSFW, Fiercemoose/Areyna. Real life friend of mine Bluediamondz was in there too.
Yoo Hammer, Solare’s real life friend here haha. We’re friends on bnet I think if not add me! Menikmati#1440, I’ll be playing with him and a few others of us.
Fiercemoose Night Elf hunter.
Looking for anyone I used to play with back in vanilla.
I was in Litany of Fury for a little while, No Sleep For The Weary, Why Tempt Fate, a few others I can’t remember. Also anyone from Fires of Tirisfal I was your main tank through MoP on my warrior Modestep.
Ah and forgot to mention I think Solarae picked Faerlina for the server we’re going to play on.
Yo! I play Horde now lol on WRA
Hey, I don’t recall the Guild name that I was in… but I played Aerinore, the Human Rogue on Maelstrom.
If anything it would be nice to find the Rogue friend that taught me the ways of playing Rogue… if I could remember his name.
Either way, I’ll be playing for the other team now (Horde) on Herod.
Polus Orc shaman 2h enhancement. Spent most of my time raiding Westfall and goldshire
I was a Human Paladin, Zegerus, for a set of years.
I only started maining my toon for RP around the back end of Wrath of the Lich King.
I was running with a guild for a year and some change. Warlas, Dragoonia, Camilla, and another Paladin I forget his name. I remember we all got the Bloodsail Admiral achiv. together.
I was a human mage. Halio
And later played shaman. Ortaga
I was in Lions of Azeroth to start, then Knights of the Alliance, and then played in Fires of Tirisfall (Halio) and Somnambulism (Ortaga).
Looking for anyone from the old crew to play with. Joban/Rinsk, Bonkers, and I are all playing on Grobbulus, horde side.
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I think I remember you Galdor. I played Halio in Fires of Tirisfal. Not sure if you remember me or Joban, but we’re rolling on Grobbulus Horde side.
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Airis, Dwarf Hunter, Kul Tiras Marines
Swiftwind, Night Elf Druid, KTM/The Scarlet March
Heya Silme and Bled! Glowenson and Baeldric also send their regards. Hope you two have fared well this past wee decade.