Conorrius, human, Paladin
Scarlet March
Anyone really who recognizes me
Had many characters on Mael back in the day, but Stutterfly was my best known one. Rogue in vanilla, re-rolled as a hunter in BC (and still is, though she’s on a different server now XD). Also played Kirlia/Kirilai the human paladin, but Stutt was (and still is) my main.
Was a part of several guilds back in the day, most notably the Blue Dragon Lords in vanilla and Bring Out Your Dead for a bit in BC. Haven’t talked to any of the old BDL crew in years; Tarquinne, Savaren, Seshowmaru, Zaeria… good times.
Melacath, Undead Mage/Warlock (I forget)
jk, hahahahahah
Sabrinia Pariah
Priest Warrior
Bloodfang raiders
BC Wrath
Muffin Makers and Mercs for Hire
Human Paladin
Probably none of you will remember me as I started in '06 toward the end of vanilla. But if anyone remembers The Horde Slayers (terrible name I know xD) hmu!
It’s Retnuh still hanging around probably give classic a try.
Melacath was undead shadow priest gankin fool lol what was that pallys name that use to gank alot.
Hi Silme. I hope you recall… I teamed up quite a bit with the twins in Ashenvale.
NAME: Nuvo
RACE: Night Elf
CLASS: Warrior
GUILDS: Versus and Undertow
We are putting together a mediocre guild for classic. Reply if you want to roll with some Maelstrom people.
PS: Smellacath was an Undead Frost Mage and douche.
Hi Bled, I do kinda remember you. We have a community with lots of old school PvPers ready to go for Classic. Let me know if you would like to join us.
Yes, I remember you!
retnuh! how you doing !
Anyone remember Lunio a Night Elf priest, or Nelmadge a gnome warrior?
Looking for The Thundering Legion crew. I know most people on this server hated us. Looking for Touch/Harry who I also played with on Tichondrious Circle Noir.
This is Cryze/Preyings(from EQ)/Nial
Never was a member but I do remember you folks! How you doing?
Oh yeah I just remembered one guy that everyone here should remember (especially if you heard his voice on vent): Theldrin. Hope I spelled that right. Anyway, he was the guy that sounded like Duke Nukem without trying (even had his own soundboard xD). Hands down most magnificent voice to ever grace a vent server. Shout out to you Theldrin where ever you are.
Oh boy! It’s been a while!
Emyr, Human Priest
The Scarlet March
hey as for ttl im still looking for dracus, bootstrap an a few others from both TTL remake an The thundering legion
Where is Gug? Gug PVP good Gug lead Horde to victory.
Hammerhock, Dwarf Hunter.
PvPed with SuperUltraMegaGoForce. I was in Litany of Fury for a bit too.
I remember a lot of people. Probably more than I could type out on both Horde and Alliance.
Just gonna throw names out.
Orga, Sulphrous, Solarae, Sergoto, Ailis, Berok, Dirchicake, Gaulog, Tiron, Phloppy, Vexlander, Rancelor, Contracts, Tidiath, Ravenouz, Gavril, Calleous, Bled, Vod, Vallo, Lyrikae, Nev, Topzor, Acrial, Parallel, Arnem, Shadostrike, Teranus, Jigsaw, Beralora, Danei, Xuande, Ryxy, Taingau, Saingau, Elymas, Brio, Eltsac, Shibbymoon, Sheepie, Gweniviere, Genoses, Ultraah, Diehard, Nearo, Hestonaldo, Grendyl, Coin, Kajirin, Azrela, Tugger, Kelshu, Invictus, Sinrexus, Parrish, Rhoris, Sper, Persona, Blackweb, Skry, Hale, Lunarae, Retnuh, Hova, Ammora, Frummps, Dui, Kilgoar, Vonbizzle, Morgaine, Guile, Tarkan, Yamel, Palcyon, Alexic, Akkabarr, Noid, Ellisande, Brunswick, Pomosche, Singway, Preliato, Jomon, Taldan, Devilsroad, Sita, Felescia, Ironhammer, Halezar, Yodacimo.
Many more.